Comprehensive Realignment and Protective Development for the Grand Canal
Hangzhou Section
杭 州 段
A Planning and Design Strategy
Prepared by:
HRP Group
20 June 2002
Prepared for: Hangzhou City Planning Bureau
? Comprehensive Realignment and Protective Development for the Grand Canal – Hangzhou Section
? 大运河综合治理与保护性开发——杭州段
HRP Group 20 June 2002
HRP集团 2002年6月20日
1.1 Our philosophy has been to prepare an integrated strategy, which goes well beyond the presentation of only designs in plan view. Our approach deals with tourism, community integrity, connectivity and linkages, urban amenity, transportation, character, culture, creativity, environmental quality and economic growth. It contains recommendations for physical changes as well as for symbolic change. 我们的哲学提供了一个综合的策略。这种策略远高于仅仅的平面设计表达。 我们的研究涉及旅游、社团整合、各种联系、都市便利、交通、个性、文化、创造性、环境质量和经济发展。它涵盖了具象的变化的优点,也包括了抽象性变化的可取之处. 1.2 Our approach recognises and addresses the tension which exists between the large scale of the canal (and it’s importance to urban structure), compared to the very human scale at which residents and tourists interact with it. To do this, we have devised a landscape ‘rhythm’ along the canal, that is diverse and changing. We have also respected the structural role of the canal in the city and enhanced it’s status as an organising and cultural element of Hangzhou. 我们的研究认识并强调了作为城市结构的重要组成部分的运河的大型尺度以及与运河接触的居民与游人的人性尺度,存在于想对于附近有关居住和游览的运河巨大尺度之中的人的尺度的倾向。(运河之大对于都市结构而言非常重要)。为此,我们在沿河运运用了景观的多样和变化的“节奏”。我们同样也尊重运河在城市中的结构角色,并将它提升到杭州文化的有机元素这一位置。 1.3 Our planning and urban design approach is to give the Grand Canal similar qualities to a fresh country stream: it is clean; it is full of life; it is beautiful; it transports water and life over a long distance; it changes with the seasons; in some places it flows fast and wide; in some places it flows slow and narrow; in some places the stream is crowded, with trees on both sides; in some places the stream is open, with grass banks providing views; still and quiet pools provide sanctuaries; and busy junctions occur where other streams meet. 我们的规划和都市设计研究旨在赋予大运河以清新的乡间小溪般的特质。 *洁净 *充满生命力 *美丽 *在长距离上运载水和生活 *随着季节变化 *某处它汹涌澎湃 *有的地方它蜿蜒文静 *有的地方水面狭窄,二岸绿树成荫 *有的地方溪水开阔,两岸草地平坦、视野深远 *平静的池塘提供庇护场所 *溪水汇合处热闹繁忙 1.4 Our planning and design strategies are described in this report at sections 3.0 and 4.0 我们的规划和设计策略在本报告的3.0和4.0节中有描述。 2.0 CONTEXT
2.1 Overview
2.1.1 Increasingly, issues of city quality and culture and becoming critical. Economic advantage, tourism spending and quality of life are the assets that H