中文简介一、项目概况:本项目地位于上海市区西南部的松江区的泗泾镇内。北面是沪青平公路,东面是沈海高速公路,南面是沪杭高速公路.轨道交通9号线从基地北面附近经过本项目用地性质为住宅用地,用地面积:75189.7平方米,总筑面积105189.7平方米,计容面积75189.7平方米,容积率为1.0,筑密度30%,绿地率35%,规划产品为3F联排别墅、4F叠加、8F洋房及配套二、项目设计定位及理念:金地玺華邮,定位为金地集褐石系列最高档4档产品,也是褐石系列第一次以别墅为主出现,以往揭石系列均为风情、活力开放的褐石街区,本项目定位褐石庄园为主题,打造高端庄园气质别墅褐石庄园立面风格以波士顿大学校园立面为蓝本,打造一种大气、典雅、静谧的学院风褐石2.0三、项目亮点创新气派形象前区2、中央景观十字轴3、景观健康慢跑道4、人车分行体系5、清晰明确的组团分区6、户型创新曲英文简Project brief introduction:This project is located at Si Jing of Song Jiang district on south-west of Shanghai.North to hu qing ping road.castto shen hai highway.south to hu hang highway,subway line number nine passed through on the North of site.The land use of this site is for residences,the total land area is 75189.7m,total building square footage is105189.7m,the capacity footage is 75189.7m,the ratio of capacity is 1.0,the density of building is 30%,ratio ofgreen space is not less than 35%,the typology of program are 3 stories high townhouse,4 stories high Superimposedhousing,8 stories apartment and community commercial facilities.Project design goal and concept:Gemdale Treasure in City,defines as one of the four top classes of Gemdale Group brown stone series.It also thefirst show of brown stone villa taken the main role of master plan.Brown stone series normally are classicexpression,opening blocks showing vitality.The theme of this project is brown stone manor.which to hold highquality villas.Project Highlight:1.Creative proparea showing first image of gentle manners.entral vista crossing landscape axis.3.Landscape jogging pedestrian system4.Separated system of pedestrian and traffic flow.5.Distinct separation of group blocks.6.Residence unit invention.Z..E