DECODING THEBKFIFEMilestoneWhite House Science Evenf10:19ans7t/June26,2000THE PRESIDENT:Good morning.I want to.first of all.acknowledge Prime Minister Blair.who willjoin us by satellite in just a moment from London.I want to welcome here the Ambassadors from theUnited Kingdom.Japan.Germany.France.And I'd also like to acknowledge the contributionsnot only that their scientists,but also scientists fromChina,made to the vastinternational consortium that is the Human Genome Project.克林顿总统在“白宫科学庆典上的讲话(2000年6月26日,白宫东厅):"Scientists from Japan and Germany,France,China,and around the“解读生命的天书,人类进步的里程碑”world have been involved,as well as the United Kingdom and the United States.And this undertaking,therefore,has brought together the public,private and…我还要感谢他们国家(美、日、德、法)的科学家,不仅是他们国家的,还有中国的科学家,non-profit sectors in an unprecedented international partnership.遥著得髓合作能公类楚甲组计划所做的贡献!Tonny BLAIR(PM,UK)