The lawnless gardenAs wonderful as lawns can be,they can alsoYou'll learn from numerous examples ofconsume enormous quantities of time andcreative lawnless gardens as we examineresources.In many areas-particularly inwhy these solutions were chosen and whycities and on aboveground sites-they arethey work.In addition to aesthetic consider-not feasible or practical.And sometimes,ations in material combinations and overallyou just want a different look.So what candesign,we address practical considerationsbe done with those spaces too shady forand construction details.You'll find appro-lawn,or where earth is lacking,or when youpriate planting schemes for each gardendon't choose to make the investment of timetype and location as well as alternative eleand resources lawns require?What are thements that can be incorporated into eachalternatives when grass just isn't right ordesign.Although we present the gardens aswanted?specific types of lawn alternatives,such asThe many and varied answers to thatgardens of stone,mixed media.or gardensquestions are the subject of this book-with water,please note that the categoriescreative solutions for nonlawn gardens.can also work together.We invite you to useStone and brick,gravel and water,rockthese examples for inspiration and practicalgardens,ground covers,herbs,planted pots,assistance as you create your own lawnlessdecking.terracing.mosaics.murals,natives筑nwild plantswe show how these allC"NEtlend themselves to the creation of beautifulgardens without grass.理蜀ZZC.WET Mediating elementsOften,you can successfullyincluding values that bridgecombine disparate or highlythe gap between them.Forcontrasting elements byexample,a tall,narrow plantusing a mediating elementcan be harmonized by anthat possesses qualitiesintermediate plant with afound in both.Opposites instraight trunk and a roundedcolor,form,size,texture,etc.,weeping head.can be brought together byThe lookWhat works and whyThis area would typically contain a lawnThere is a nice balance here between thebackdrop to the rich floral display,while theand,in times past,did so.Now,paversnonfloral interior and the abundantly blos-bench,the central fountain,and the fewinterspersed with herbs and perennialssoming borders.The former sets off andplanted pots give a much-needed solidity-occupy the center,while a riot of bloominghighlights the ebullient plethora of architectural component-to the massingperennials and annuals occupy the fourThough planted primarily in the red range.of foliage and blossom.It is also good thatborders.This is a flower gardener's haven.nearly every other color of the rainbowthe central area is a mixture of paving andmakes an appearance in splashes.This isherbs.Were it all herbs,there would becertainly not a low-maintenance garden.insufficient contrast to the borders,and weespecially considering the flowers arewould feel lost in a jungle of plants.Were it筑primarily annuals and must be changedall paving,the contrast would be too aggres-several times yearly.But if you love color,sive,and the borders would seem overdonethis approach is hard to beat.and gaudy.The current arrangement helpsThe few structural elements are impor.the garden elements communicate gra-tant.The enclosing walls,covered in foliage,ciously rather than argue.make a strong and mostly monochromaticVariations on a themeWhere this style can be usedThe primary way to alter this motif would beSuch a garden could be done anywhere,to alter the plant selection.A different colorfront or rear,urban,rural,or suburban.scheme could be worked out in any hueThe scale can be changed to fit a givenwith equal success.Even using only severalspace;the essentials,a mixed paving andshades of one dominant color would beherb central portion with an abundancedramatic in this setting.Because the gardenof flowering plants in borders,can workcontains mostly annuals,many colorwherever the gardener has time to devoteschemes could be employed in a single such an abundance of plantings.览Z.ZC103 The lookWhat works and whyIn this lovely vignette,the entire area isToo often,wre would find in this situationcolor-bright blue across from deep red anddevoted to omamental planting.Justlawn on either side of the walk."What aagainst light pink,pure whites with green-enough room is allotted to paving so thewaste,"says the true gardener.Certainly wewhites,white with yellow,lavender withgardener can move about or sit on a benchmust acknowledge how much more beauti-blue-all contribute to the richness of theto view the bountiful,blooming result of hisful,interesting,and infinitely more engaginggarden through their subtle hammonies andefforts.This is a garden for someone whothis garden is than a lawn.bold contrasts.simply loves plants-looking at them,tend-Although planting beds such as theseLeaf textures and mass values create aning them,watching them grow,mature,andmay appear haphazard,they are,in fact,undulating rhythm throughout this garden toblossom.carefully planned,with attention paid towhich the eye returns again and again,plant size,bloom time,and flower color asalways with satisfaction and the perceptionwell as foliar qualities and variations inof some new delight.Fine details,boldmass and texture.Note,for example,in theforms,the rising and falling and in and outs.left foreground,the contrast of the bold leafthe variations in solidity and the steppingof hosta beneath the fine-textured achilleaup from front to back make this far moreabove,and,on the right,the bold globes ofthan a mere planting bed.It is a garden of筑以”e2Shydrangea blossoms against the spires ofrelationships woven into a whole of endlessenjoyments.Planning viewsVariations on a themeWhere this style can be usedThis theme-the perennial border with aAlthough this theme has been created tenWhen planting a garden there is often a ten-few permanent plantings-has been variedthousand times,it has not been tried indency to create our arrangements from acountless times and always can and will be.nearly so many venues as is possible.Moststraight-on view so we place plants togetherCareful planning is the key to success inespecially.suburban front gardens would bethat look good next to one another.And thissuch a garden.elevated by this treatment.If instead of thewe should do.However,many garden beds arecountless,mind-deadening lawns sprawlingseen from along their lengths and plantsthroughout suburbia there were more ofwhich are many feet apart are seen in relationthese borders,even with lawns windingto each other.These views should also be conbetween them,the world would be a bettersidered in the creation of such beds also work in urban andrural gardens,front,back,or side.理闐Z..ET305 The lookThis project might have been included ineither the mixed-media chapter or the watergarden chapter,but it is primarily a flowergarden-the raison d'etre of the water is tosupport the flowering plants.At one time,the entire space was occupied by lawn,butthe central portion was transformed into aflower garden featuring a walkway,borderedWater gardens andby perennial beds,around an herb gardenornamental horticulturewith a flowering pool.The bricked walkallows access to the flower pool from thefour comers and offers an easy stroll amidthe beds.What works and whyWhen people think of plants and all the speci-mens they'd like to grow,they think of land,The overall design of this garden is,in itself,walk and the pool.The primary colorsoil,and conventional gardens.There are,without the details,a pleasant vision and ascheme is lavender,with highlights of yellowhowever,a wealth of foliage and floweringtimeless motif.It is a square intercepted byand white.This scheme is boldly contrastedplants that can only be grown in water or weta cross that is in turn intercepted by a circlein the area near the bench,with the hangingsoil.Some of these aquatics do not even needat the center.The divisions created by thisbaskets in red and white,and,to a lessera pond but can be planted in plastic tubsarrangement are familiar and pleasing to thedegree,the pool,with its camnelian waterburied in the ground with space between theeye.the layout peacefutand calming.This-ilies Everywhere else,cool shades of palegarden is meant for sittingnstoppredomnate cClustersof asoil and the top of the tub for water.The lotusis such a piant.These aquatics,whether inthrough,for reveling in the ever-changingplanted in the same shades,add a littleponds,bogs,or pots,can extend the plantingfloral displays set against the green back.dimensionality to the scene,as does thepalette tremendously and add a wonderfuldrop of the thyme growing between thebench,tucked into a shady corner.variety to the conventional garden.Variations on a themeWhere this style can be usedMany alterations are possible here.TheWith some modifications-for example,bywater could have instead been an annualeliminating the street-side walk and makingbed,and many other planting schemesa border on three sides-this design couldcould be tried.Further,the design of thebe used to embellish a suburban front yard.whole could be modified-a circle with aOthenwise,nearty any rear property couldsquare in the middle,for instance,or pathssupport this motif.extending from the middle of the main walkrather than from the comers,would createas interesting and pleasant a layout.筑素村网Z.ZS心.ET107