Guiding Principles设计主导思想城市规划构思水街艺术休闲商业步行区公共开放空间和湖滨活动区文化艺术中心和主会所区The Urban Design ConceptOccupying a prominent position on the southem徐州水街项目在大龙渴南岸占累着春位于商聚路以西,是一个菱具文化艺位于环湖路以北,与环渴路以南的角位于高聚路以东,由-一株4000平米左shore of Dragon Lake,Xuzhou WaterStreet will常突出的位置,未来将在徐州新城术,时倒。业,旅静和蚁乐多元业业沙行区通过步行系统相连。设计在右的文化艺术中,心和一栋2500平米左be an exclusive corporate retreat and destination赵、徐州市赵以及江苏省和邻近区域态的国际化夏合区域。区内烟有各种这一区域内提供了可安律大型露天表右的主会所结合商业筑组成。主会attraction for residents and visitors to Xuzhou成为一个高端照帝休闲的目的地,高端湖牌和诚水餐饮场所,以及一系演的湖派广场和水中陶场,坡向湖面所将向全基地提供各种餐饮和会议功New City Center,the larger Xuzhou metropolitan为层民和游客提供去处,时为金列活跃的艺术,煤体创意工作常和韩的草坪,个小型的游船码头和个area,and the Jiangsu region.The project takesits name from its juxtapostion of land and water业会议和团体度发提供高档场所,项品商店,徐州水街步行区和各项服务连接各个小广场,水边步道的步行系throughout the project a theme which is utilged日刹名于在基地内相赋忽的土地与设德将常年提供经常性和特涂的各类统,为市民提供一个体附和话动的场in dfferent ways in the vanous areas of the site.水源,设计将土地和水的关系通过不活动,吸引艺术工作者,当地居民和所。Covering some II hectares of land and water area同组织方式在基地内各个区线体现出外米游客米这里工作。体闲和消费,WaterStreet is comprised of two main elements米。徐州水街共占据约11公填。由四大主要记分组成Xuzhou CanalWalkXuzhou Canawak.an arts and entertainmentdstrict that combines a vanety of lakefront anddining experences with an activeJ.Ntists.irtisans,retail and meda complex Withlakefont plaza and performance amphitheatre(the"Water Theatre).a smal boat marina,andan intimate pedestnian scale,Xuzhou Canalwalkoffers a variety of ongoing and specially企业会所区programmed activities for both residents and企业会所区是…个由数具特色的企业会所凰用所组成的绿萌环绕的高档度公共开空累活动区假休得场所。每个组团都掩映在图Business Club:The Retreat at Dragon Lake感葱的树木里,由一系列婉挺曲折的水道环饶。Five Islands-The Retreat at Dragon Lake.a verdant private,and exclusive enclave of水街艺术商业休网步行区10 unique resort cubs clustered into lushlyandscaped private estates with three to sevenguest cottages each.Each estate is served by its文化中心及主会所区own dubhouse,which functons as its entry areaand central recreation and gathering place.Theestates are arranged along a series of windingcanals crossed by scenic bridges inking theFive lslands"that give the enclave its name.AllRetreat guests will share the use of the signatureLakeview Clubhouse,which dominates theandscaped entry drive.The Clubhouse also has amajor public presence on WaterStreet's main entrydrive,itself called WaterStreet after the slopedcentral watercourse that links fountains at eachend of the street9理躓素前网ZC.ET