环带例外LoopExceptions本设计并不视前海仅仅为深圳的外围,而是作为一个新的中基地内现有的情境被策略性地运用,以进一步地连接层次。新心。因此,一个直径为3.4公里的环带界定前海湾,并与深圳的轨迹被同时引入,沿南北走向运行,纵向地并且以尽可能最的其他中心相联系。与此同时,它是这座城市的联结剂;它联有效的方式贯穿分层。这些特殊的例外时刻与轨迹有效地连接合统一起基础设施、交通运输以及沟通交流,在叠加的层次之了条带,以确保它们能够共同工作,它们之间的差异性能够创间提供联系。同时,环带截取了几条主要的快速路并将其进行造价值。例如,基地南面的区域由一脊干线相连接,该脊干线重新导向,以保证中心的连贯性。在其250米的宽度范围内,此穿过分层,不仅提供货运流通,也创造了功能项目的交叠和混圆环包含了一个广阔而连续的公园,以及将从与自然的接近中合。而受益的功能项目。The existing moments within the site are strategicallyThe design considers Qianhai not merely as the peripheryused to further bind the layers.New trajectories are alsoof Shenzhen,but rather as a new center.As such,a 3.4kmintroduced,running north-south,which transect the layersdiameter circular loop delimits the Qianhai Bay and relatesperpendicularly and in the most efficient manner possible.to Shenzhen's other center.At the same time,it is the glueThese exceptions and trajectories effectively coupleof the city;it consolidates infrastructure,transportation,the bands to assure they can work together and theirand circulation to provide connection between the stackeddifferences can be productive.For instance,the area inlayers.Within its 250m width,the circle contains a vast,the south of the site is connected by a spine that providescontinuous park and program benefiting from proximity tonot only freight movement,but also creates programmaticnature.overlaps and hybrids as it crosses layers.Futian3