Shanghai is a river city fomous for its dynamic and international lifestyle.The Bund is尚生引者德行联更近的苏·这河流是上海的”母流河an internotional post card image femous the world over as a symbol of fashion and苏州河沿着市筑物的适日四前进·与不向的区媛联系在一·每style,the lifestyle capital of Chino.Yet;the river that Shanghai residents feel a closer位代表盛市客个阶段清谢的更以及不同的生活方式·connection with is the Suzhou Creek,a river that is nicknamed the mother rivet,theSuzhou creek weaves its way through the fabic of the city,tying together diverse苏州河districts that each represent distinet periods of the city's history and varied ways of life.言1g0年During the latter half of the 20"Century,like many urban rivers,the Suzhou croekbecame an industrial lifeline of the city,filled with industrial barges and serving thecity as a refuse dump.Then in the late 1990's the city began to reolize the value of Is的藻克签器清离鹅期爱离提开·重了许多网岸牡区·但是许多封闭式管理second river and commenced an environmontal clean upWith the rapid pace of redevelopment blazing through the city many of the riverfrontneighborheods were rebuilt as mego-developments with gated high rise具A网类装员性宽货物防:☆暖壁要整野婆南路提母要development parcels whose inward orientation turned their back to the river.Seeing this pottern move up and down the river's edge,their has been o growingconcern that too much of the city's chorm and history hos been lost in the name ofhortsighted low quality,development,and a wave of discussion aimed at identifying空馨著卧要晶的翻受缆保嘉特器资提架经有磷房奎滑流认腹提搭婺呢be情er potterns for the cily生growth hav像nsuedTherein lays the subject of this study,how to allow balance the drive to create vibront,and modern.urbanneighborhoods for Shonghai while preserving and enhoncing thehistoric and culturol richness of the cities unique history.The study area,the Zobei District,is famous for its stock of historic warehouses and素ong hous时Jocated inn of the city's most importandestinotions The two kilometer stretch of the Suzhou creek,presents one of the best报告中请述的法个规购开发方录指提了题动的薰略以及如网买现的方法:创造有料干小规极并发空网的环填·以第补现有城市敏乏小型牡区空偶The planning and development solution depicted in this teport represent the initial1网安strategy of how to.允许提代化高密度的开发·在中心区域增加土地利用率和人容钠量Create opportunities for smoller scale of development that complements thescale of the oxisting historic urban fabric格贵奇跨更的青骨等蜜灵费型改造与再利用·在展示地标式Allow for modern high densitr developmeat to odd value and population to thiskey centrally located districtEmploy a wide range of historie preservation and adaptive re-use strategies thatwill celebrate the rich history of landmark structures while breathing new life intohidden treasures.馨滑霸人精菜徒语区垫因议乐阻结合的城布空网·使丽北区成为上海Provide o diverse ronge of investment opportunities in the 5.10 million dollarrange as well as in the 50-100 Million and up range.改变河岸的处理方式·实现在视觉上和空可上都能莲接到河岸区Realize working.living,entertainment districts that will combine to make Zabeione of the key destination neighborhoods of Shanghai通过一系列东西走向开故空同老息连接壁个研究地区·Innovate RiverEdge treatments that ollow visual and physicol connection to theRiver's edge创标志性开故空同·以提升房地产价值和突出左要历史架构Tie together the entire study area in a series of east west open space corridors配备主要基瑞设俺规划·如:高速交通线以及道路的升级Create landmark open spoces that create reol estate value and honor key historicstructures创多样化的新弱买区城以设激动人心的空间以及亲水的体闲规乐空Acknowledge key infrastructure plans for the area such as the Rapid Transit linesand rood upgradeCreote a voriety of new marina areas that creote excitant and river recreation专案背景理躓素前网ZC.ETProject Background