1.2城市文脉1.2.1地理位置2.1 Location宝山区地处上海市域北部,黄浦江和长江的交汇点,东临黄酒 Baoshan District is located at the north of Shanghai and ies in the江,南与杨浦,虹,闸北,普陀区默连,西与嘉定交界,西北得 meeting point of Yangtze RMer and Huangpu River. stretches与江苏太仓为邻,全境东西长约56公里,南北宽钓23公里,区域总56 kms trom the west to the east and abou23 kms from the no面积425平方公里uth and neighbour with Taichang of Jiangsu prowince at the1.2.2地形地貌陆地部分为河滨海平版,地分plano tver mouth, topography里,地面高程以吴淞为零(基准area is vaned between2- 4.1 meters with average high of 3.861.2.3气候条件属亚热带海洋性凝润气《候,受季风环流分配并受冷热空气(交1.23 Climate持影响,四季分明,以候(5天)平均气温低于10℃的为冬季,高于 Subtropical oceanic humid climate with four distinct we seasons22℃的为复季,介于低高之间的为春,秋季,按此划分,冬,夏10oC n winter higher than2.4自然资源4 Natural Resources要的能源基地和水资源基地,区域内有温藻泯等丰富的 Important energy, water resources bases for sh河网系统宝山绿色步道 Baoshan Greenway、 沿革得名。1412年(明水乐十年),境内海滨,曾用 Panshan is named after the mountain.hn1412{ Yunglo year1 D of the座土山,用作航海标志,为出入长江的船只导 a manmade mountai定其名为宝山,北山早在1582年(明万历十年)期 for salors traveling between t没于海,但其名仍沿用至今mountain has long原属江苏省,1742年(清正二年)从塞定县分出,宝山县,多,后汇溶m中ISC. 境划归上海市,19s年1月,经国务院批准,撤消宝山县和吴区 Jangsu Province.ln1958 the entire area incorporated into shanghai, and later in制。立宝山区January 1988, authorized by the State Govemment, become Baoshan District of直作为上海郊区大型工业区及Historically develop Baoshan as the industry base tor shanghai, Baoshan will beotes outside Shangha cent综合功能的,适宜居住的现代化滨1.2.7政策优势.2.7 Political Advantages开发的机,及在长江三角洲城市群一体化 The focus of city development strateg os in Shanghai has shifted from central city o发展的新形势下,上海市城市空向发展战略重心出中心城向郊区 Suburban areas and districts.转移。宝山作为上海在长江三角地区沿江城市发展带上的“桥头omont of as Baoshan is the"bridgeheadShanghai along the Yangtze triangle delta概念性规划文本、