DESCRIPTION OF THE PLATES.Plate II.TuE specimen at the side of this Plate is the simplest as regardsthe division of the Panel into sixteen squares,consisting in fact of sixteen equalquatrefoils.The construction of Plate equally simple,being composedof the arc of a circle,whose boundary touches the points c,d,the centre a.being determined by the intersection of lines perpendicular to the chords b.c.and b.d.The trefoil is composed of equal cireles within the triangle c.Plates III.IV.V.The centres of the principal figure in these exam-ples will be found at the angles and centre of the parallelogram,containingtwo equilateral triangles,as marked on the margin of Plate III.(a)Plate III.Draw the cirele A.'and arcs A.A,and within it the two circles B.The triangular spaces left within the figure are filled with the circles c.The upper and lower extremities have semi-quatrefoils.The circle fillingthe space which should correspond with larger on account of the Panelbeing made squaze instead of the parallelogram of a hexagon,whereby theadditional space shewn in tho small diagram()is added to the figure.Plate IV.This is varied by changing the two inner circles,b c.fromthe width to the length of the figure.The radius of the small circle d.isone third of the largest,as figured.This example is rather less in heightthan width:the inequality mentioned in the last is consequently less apparent.Plate V.The difference of this example,from the preceding,is in thesmall circle (E.)being brought to the centre of the principal figure,insteadof the extremity,and in the introduction of another eirele (D.)into thetriangular spacc,between the circles,A.n.c.Plate VI.This is also a variation of the preceding example,but thedivisions of the height and width,approach nearer to a square,the parallelo-gram of the Panel being nearly in the proportion of Produce the semicircleA.of one half the width of the Panel,and the segments n.from the centre a,intersecting the points,.c.Plate VII.The arrangement of this beautiful example,differs totallyfrom the preceding,and the division of height and width are perfectly equal.Divide the square into four parts,and from figure 3 of these produce thecircle a.The distance between the boundary of this circle and the intersec-理蜀素村网Z.心.ET DESCRIPTION OF THE PLATES.7tion of the square,at b,gives the radius of the small circle c.These circlesbeing produced at the intersection of the alternate squares,the outer con-necting are(d.)is struck from the point g,touching the small circles at e.e.and the intersection of the square at f.Plate VIII.This is perfectly square,and divided in the same manner asthe preceding examples.The diagonals of each square being drawn,producethe circle A,within four of the diagonal squares.The small circle B,of two-thirds the diameter of the preceding,completes the outline.Plate IX.The sub-division into small squares is here dispensed with,butthe whole subject is a repetition of each figure four times.Draw the diagonalsof the square,and from the angle of the Panel draw the quadrant A,and withinit the circle B,touching a,c.Divide the radius of A into three parts;the diagonal of the first gives the radius of the smaller circle c.Within thequadrants the space is filled by four equal circles D.Plates X.and XI.are small examples,above the larger Panels in theview of the Screen.These have been terminated by an enrichment of leaves,a portion of which is still left.PlateDa the andithin them the semicircle fromthe centre a,on the smaller side of the parallelogram.The semieircles c arefrom,on the longer side.The semicircle a repetition of this.Plate XI.Draw the semicircles A.A;and from a.produce that markedn.The radius of one-sixth the length of the Panel,and that of the from the figure touching the line c.The border in this Plate belongs to the Screen in the aisle of the Choir.The leading lines are only repetitions of the tracery described on Plate V.Plate XII.Arclway of the Sereen-Draw the semicircle A.from a,anddivide its radius into 11 parts.From figure 6,produce the quadrant andfrom b.the semicircle K.Draw a line from the centre a.through the angle B.The point D,equal in distance from it as n,c,is the centre of the curve a repetition of this upon the line G.The smaller curve H,is portion of asemicircle touching r and c,its centre being on the boundary line of the Panel.The upper portionof the curve is a repetition of thisfrom the point e.e is a quad-rant from the centre a,and the lower part or continuation f,is from the centre(d),upon a line drawn from a,through the 12th part of the scale before named.Plate a large Panel upside down in the view of the Screen.This specimen did not originally belong to it,and has been placed there to2SQ.E团 8DESCRIPTION OF THE PLATES.fill up a gap,occasioned by the destruction of the original work.It is repre.sented at a,the remainder of the Plate being a portion half the full size.Plate XIV.The Parapet.The great semicircle forming the leadingline of the figure is the same as described in the border of Plate XI.,and theremainder of the tracery is very nearly the same as in Plate V.The outlineof the border-leaf is the diagonal of a square.Plate a repetition of the same circle,whose centre is the inter.section of each division or square.-Produce.the circle A.from the centre a,and corresponding circles from and c;their intersection cuts off 1-6thfrom each side of A,marked B and c,and represented by the dotted line.Plate XVI.Divide the panel into four portions,and draw the diagonalsA.A.Within each triangle strike the circle B;and in the angles of the squarethe small circles c.c.The are D is a portion of the first circle.Plate XVII.Draw the diagonals of the square,as 4.A.Within thetriangle draw the circle B,and within this the four.smaller circles c,theparts represented by the dotted lines being left out in the complete figure.Draw the circle in the angles of the square(D.)The limit of the circle E.isdetermined by a prpondicular,dropped from the centre of te circle B.Plate XVIII.-Borders.Figure in the doorway of the Choiragainst the Bishop's Throne..This elegant little specimen is the repetitionof semicircles whose radius is one half,and one quarter the width of theborder;the ground-work being precisely the same as the majority of thePanels-namely,four squares each peculiar for the leafy border on each the same as the subject of Plate XV.AndFig.D.very strongly resembles the Tracery of Plate V.Plates XIX.and XX.All that remains of these Panels is the and ends of the tracery.-No.XIX.has sufficient to identify the design,but not to be depended on for originality.They are both peculiarfrom the sub-division of the Panel into four distinct parts,by the diagonalrib of Plate XIX.,and the cross-rib with the angles rounded off in Plate XX.THE END.G.NORMAN,PRINTER,MAIDEN LANB,COVENT GARDEN理Z心.ET