New York, USA
Type: Urban Concept
Floating Island is a programmed landscape flowing on the WTC site, which joins the surrounding buildings in the air in a horizontal way. The new WTC is no longer a working machine. Instead, it becomes a construction of organism. With rigorous analysis of the international trade model, we concluded that successful business conducts of modern time is no longer reliant on the scale of working space.
Therefore, our strategy is to hold the business infrastructure in a limited space, where digital technology plays the leading role in the running of the business. This strategy is embodied in and interpreted by multi-media center for business, digital working station, air transportation center, international meeting rooms and convention center. Also, it provides facilities that relate to other aspects of urban life, like theaters, digital cinemas, recreation centers, hotels and restaurants, working gardens, parks, trees, and even a man-made lake.
Unlike the traditional vertical skyscrapers that isolate themselves from the city, our idea is facilitate more horizontal flow through downtown Manhattan and encourage human movement and activity. The ground level is therefore not only open to business people, but also to a more diversified public, which connects the waterfront and the heart of the financial district. With its new organizational structure, this proposal articulates our queries of ‘machine aesthetics’ and ‘vertical city’, characteristics of a now outdated modernism.
Our ambition is to go beyond the discussion of visual symbolism. We believe the best memorial to WTC is development.
浮游之岛 - 纽约世界贸易中心重建计划
纽约新世贸中心的设计希望建立起新的价值观。它不应该成为一处博物馆或纪念碑,也不应当仅仅是一幢新的建筑物,我们所有的出发点都基于一个概念 - 发展。
这个“空缺”提供了一个让我们重新审视纽约的机会,并使我们能够提出一个更好地服务大都市生活的新的组织方式。这个出发点使得新的方案有可能超越对仅象征 性的考虑,从而成为一个与 911 被摧毁的建筑同样有力的作品。我们认为传统的摩天楼时代已经结束了,根本原因并不是处于对安全问题的考虑,而是因为摩天楼的组织结构过于简单抑制。这些线 性的特征和严格的分割违背了现代商业关系以及现代都市生活规律,因此给予空间更高层次的复杂性以及表达现代的都市关系变得非常必要。我们希望超越这个事件 的特殊性,提出一个与政治无关,但与城市本身紧密相关的,激动人心的计划。
新的世贸中心不再是一个办公的机器,而是一个有生命的混合体。根据对国际贸易商业模型的分析,我们相信越来越多的商业活动不再依赖实质的办公地点的位置和 大小。所以我们的策略不再是依赖于大量的办公面积,而是设置有限的空间容纳与数字技术有关的内容, 比如数字工作站, 多媒体商业中心, 独立飞行器停泊站, 全球会议模拟室等, 并同时使之与其它的城市生活,像剧场,餐厅,公园,旅馆,图书馆,观光,展览,体育健身, 甚至人工湖等等相混合,以水平关系设置,并整个抬到曼哈顿城市中心之上,改变金融区的封闭,孤立状态,而将纽约的公共活动空间, 沿河地区联结起来,与金融区心脏融合,引进都市生活及其活力。