Built as a working pier to accommodate seafaring trade.Navy Pier was,from itsinception,anointed the People's Pier,a moniker that holds true to this day.Chicago is a global city.Once the Industrial powerhouse of the mid-continent,ChicagoNavy Pler:dynamlc dock and lvely promenade:genuine historic and still working People's Pler:landmark plece ofhas transformed itsett Into one of the handful of citiestwo or three in America,twenty or thirty in the world-that definemixed-use public infrastructure that reflects Chicago's rich and varled past and embodles Its composlte brawnand direct the global economy.and grace:as ever.history is the present.There is no other clty in the world ke chlcago.City ofThe Global Edge:An Agenda for Chicago's Future,"The Chicago Council on Global Affairs 2007poets and pragmatists.realists and dreamers.Ethnic kaleidoscope of new andgenerational immigrants.citizens all.Slick urbane metropolis and raw slangy town.'Sentimental and cynical in equal measure.Where untempered optimism.moxieand sheer force of will makes the impossible possible.For always our villains havehearts of gold and all our heroes are slightly tainted:Among chleago'smany assets people;Its baslc economy:Its political character Its local,reglonal,and natlonal infuence;and its role in the硅筑素aword-cmiclyocycsetysphyslcal tandscape:Shouderoshoulder with the great Lake Michigan:Chicago's enviable elemental easternborder:demarcated by water:demarcated by horizon:demarcated by big openMidwestern Sky.Extending out into the lake by approximatoly 6clty blocks,Navy Pler punctuates the lakeke a glant exelamatlon mark.Come!See!Experience Chicago's vibrancy!Play!Refresh!Experience!Relax!Be!If history were the past,It would not matter...History is the present.James Baldwin,A Rap on Rnce,1973Daniel H Burnham,Plan of Chicago,19091Alpert Halper,"Younger Writer Remembering Chicago,'On the Shore.1934.2 Nelson Algren.City on the Make,95t3 The New Chicago,Eds John P.Koval,Larry Bennett,Michael IJ.Bennett,Fassi Demissie,Roberta Gamner,Kijoong Kim,2006.Team XNavy Per PierscapePhase Design ProposalConceptual Approach闐素村网ZC.ET tndetbte Maate:In our Design Approach and Philosophy submitted in Phase ll of thePierscape proposal process,we stated that Joseph Cornell and his miraculousboxes-monuments to every moment'-would be on our minds as we setabout surveying the myriad spaces.environs,landscapes,activities and programsthat exemplify the Navy Pier experience.There is always more than meets the eye,so one musttook with imaglnaton.We approached the Pier imagining ourselves wanderingthrough an array of Cornell boxes-transforming everyday objects into extraordinarytreasures by virtue of juxtaposition and new relationships.'In Joseph Cornell'simagination there were great affinities to be found between the great andthe humble,the distant and the near,the immaterial and the material:"Navy PlersInherently maglcal,thanks to its physical and elemental characteristics,Is location on Lake Michigan,Its proximity尚材chiconur project combines that whichisintrinsic tothe Pierhistorically.architectonically,spatially,experientially-with new elements that reinvigorate the indelible magic that is Chicago's Navy Pier.Joseph Comell,Unnitled,circa 1953gOctavio Paz,'Objects and Apparitions-for Joseph Cornell'trans Elizabeth Bishop,974.o Jennifer Mundy.'An 'overflowing a richness&poetry:Joseph Cornelrs Planet Set and Giuditta Pasta'Tate Papers,2004Team XNavy Per PerscapePhase Design ProposalProject Descriptlon興尚闐ZC.ET