c_life2_development conceptmasterplanban,tns in thedacc_lifement1odorhesite绿豪J.N百日日maximising daylighthow does c_life become carbon negative?2c_life:city as livingclimate neutral district:factory of ecologydelivering an economicc life is a lasting real timeand governanceand real space demonstrationofhownolivework,playandframework for changelearn,producing innovationOur proposition is to establish thethat benefits people,Jatkasaari Climate Neutral Districtthe environment and theeconomy.c_life will be an三(CND).The CND is the most efficientand cost-effective way for c_lifennovation factory in whichand other development proiectsSITRA will attract Start Upson Jatkasaari to achieve carbonompanies by creatingeutrality.The key strategies withina stimulating environmentfor entrepreneurship,district-wide sustainability effortswhere prototyping of builtacross Jatkasaari,establish a districtenvironment policies.carbon accounting system,establishtechnologies and services cancarbon neutrality policy for buildings,be showcased.create revolving fund for offsetprojects,invest in carbon abatementprojects,develop municipal financingscheme,attract green co-operatives,attract a Jatkasaari sustainable bankand implement 50 ways to changebehaviour.理甄ZC.ET STRATEGYURBAN CONNECTIVITY1"The fact is that the planet is changing fasterA New Master Plan and Sitea time of less urgency-with a set ofthan even pessimists expected:ice caps areenvironmental goals and objectivesThe Low2No competition presents theless stringent than the ones outlinedshrinking,arid zones spreading,at a terrifyingchallenge of developing strategies forin the Low2No competition brief.Withthe creation of urban communitiesrelatively low density,substantial spacerate.And according to a number of recentgiven to car usage,and an orientationthat produce low and ultimately nocarbon emissions,communities thatand configuration of buildings notstudies,catastrophe-a rise in temperatureare"in balance"with the environmentoptimized for Helsinki's latitude,thiscommunities that have a sustainableMaster Plan is the answer to a set ofso large as to be almost unthinkable-can noenvironment footprint.With scientistsquestions far different from the ones wehave been explicitly asked to address.longer be considered a mere possibility.It is,pointing out that global warming ishappening at a more rapid rate thanRather than attempting to modify thisinstead,the most likely outcome if we continueanticipated only a few years ago,thismandate becomes more and moreplan,we have taken the position that theLow2No goals can only be achieved withalong our present course."urgent.a radically different Master Plan.Thisis in keeping with the view.articulated-Paul Krugman,New York Times,29 June 2009The competition requests the designin the brief,that a single"Site"can doof a project for a single site in thecurrent Master Plan.While this Masterlittle in isolation.Our proposed new SitePan is attractive and spacious,itand stipulated programs are thereforewas conceived several years ago-inlocated in,and integrally a part of,aproposed new Low2No Master Plan.Island IdentityCivie CorridorInnovation and CommerceProposed Urban Fabric+