onnec on bene officeF&B village issuewer d the move theon slightito create thistbulevard*connection4.In front of the office,don't usesuch large surface of water.Canleave a large lawn area is OK,thisis where they could do theirpromotional events.5.CEO wants the office drop-off00009rt of theildings toto have more space,as there willbe cars with drivers waitingmns toaround to pick up people,so needalo way,sothat canto consider a larger area for morecars to drop-off and for temporarycross withoutcar waiting area.ZCbarrie6.Conider shifting the car-ramp in10 Shorten tnisorder to create a straight shotbulldi to allowfrom B1 retail connection tocome up withtheglandtopsunken plaza.leadingow ment7.This egress stair right in front ofthe entry is quite an eye sore,must conider shifting it somewhere else.8.The office tower East side entry3.d stepsfacade,CEO thinks is too "busy"shdown2.The unken plaza doesn'twith too many elements.Need torom tne Northhighlight the entry,make the dropneed to be curved.Must beeading paopleoff canopy bigger,and have aam时ua出bucomedtoward the BI retallmore formal sense of entry.place to be it should be anconnectionerena that can house闐素前网ZC.ETactivities,shows,gatherings 9.Consider part of the 1F of these buildings tobe put on columns to allow for thru-way,soF&B village issuethat pedestrian can cross through withoutbarrier.4.In front of the office,don't use10.Shorten this building slightly (in length)tosuch large surface of water.Canallow corner to open up with the grand stepleave a large lawn area is OK,thiseading down to basementis where they could do theirpromotional events.5.CEO wants the office drop-offto have more space,as there willbe cars with drivers waitingaround to pick up people,so needto consider a larger area for morecars to drop-off and for temporarycar waiting area.尚6.Conider shifting the car-ramp inorder to create a straight shotfrom B1 retail connection tosunken plaza.7.This egress stair right in front ofthe entry is quite an eye sore,must conider shifting it somewhere else.8.The office tower East side entry3.The grand stepsfacade,CEO thinks is too "busy"should come down2.The unken plaza doesn'twith too many elements.Need tofrom the North,highlight the entry,make the dropneed to be curved.Must beleading peopleoff canopy bigger,and have alarger and really become atoward the B1 retail.more formal sense of entry.place to be.It should be anconnectionarena that can house闐素前网ZC.ETactivities,shows,gatherings