太阳历五星大酒店Tai Yang山Flve Star HotelMCM GROUP方案一·舞族火把节Yi Fire Ceremony-J概念设计裤族火把节Concept-The Yi Fire Ceremony五量级度假区的设计概念借鉴了族人民对火和大自然的崇拜之情。项目设计的核心概念是族太This design concept for the five-star resort embraces the Yi veneration of fire and the natural elements.The阳历。中央是一个表演区域,周围是10根石柱。石柱与纪念碑相似,但设计更为简化.这个区域专focal point of the site plan is based on the Yi calendar,with a central performance area surrounded by 10门用于传统角族火把节的夜间表演,并采用最新的灯光与音响技术,路面的图案也来自于彝族的象columns.These columns are a more simplified version echoing those found on the Monument.This area征性图形。is dedicated to evening performances based on traditional Yi fire ceremonies,but with the addition of the这座8层,500个房间的酒店最显著的特色是一系列玻璃“火焰“”,最高的火焰高于地面30米,火latest light and sound technology.The paving patterns are also derived from Yi symbolism.焰位于每个电梯和楼梯转弯处,在酒店中构成引人注目、易于识别的路线标示,火焰由染色玻璃制The facade of the 8-story,500 room hotel is characterized by a series of dramatic glass "flames,"the tallest成,底部是橙色,顶部是同火焰一样的红色。这些“火焰”的内部灯光将在夜间发光。在白天,玻of which tower 30 meters above ground.These are located at every elevator and stair bank,creating璃的镜面也会如火焰般闪光,酒店外部的具他部分使用了传统的鼻族色彩:红色、黄色和黑色.dramatic and easily located circulation points in the large structure.Built of tinted glass that changes color前门入的两侧是两块红色石碑,与纪念碑的外形相似,石碑上雕刻着彝族传统艺术品中常见的图from orange at the base to a fiery yellow at the top,these"flames"will glow internally from the interiorlight at night.During the day,their partially mirrored surfaces also glow as if on fire.The rest of the facade案:太阳.鸟和蛇.进入大堂之后,客人可看到一座8层楼高的中庭。这座中庭中间是相互交错的桥is colored in the traditional Yi colors:red,yellow,and black.梁,将酒店四星级和五星级的房间相连接。这些桥梁上装饰的木梁类似于传统舞族的木制筑,木梁上装饰有各种典族象征性图案。Flanking the front entrance are two large panels built of red stone in a manner similar to the adjacentMonument.These are carved with massive images derived from traditional Yi artifacts:a sun,a bird,and a整个大堂、餐厅和房间都展示韩族人们的手工艺品,包括纺织品、胸瓷和服饰设计等。餐厅中的餐snake.Once inside the main lobby,an 8-story atrium soars above the guests.This atrium is crisscrossed by饮用具是真正的舞族手工艺品,装饰有别具一格的黑红两色图案。床单、窗帘、和窗户的图案与领bridges which connect the 4 and 5-star sides of the hotel.These bridges,whose wooden beams recall the色均来自于韩族妇女在火把节上穿着的最饰。最后,每个房间都有玻璃制圆屋顶,里面是一直燃烧的火焰,发出柔和的光亮,这个设计也加强了舞族人民对火的崇拜这个主题。traditional local building practices,are also decorated with more Yi symbols and patterns.Throughout the lobby,the restaurants,and the rooms themselves,the crafts of the Yi people are on display.from weaving to ceramics to clothing design.The plates and serving implements in the formal dining roomare real Yi craftwork,bearing the distinctive black and red designs.Bedspreads and window treatmentsare derived from the colorful patterns and costumes worn by traditional Yi women at the Fire Ceremony.And finally,every room has a perpetual flame encased in a glass dome that gives off a gentle glow:a finalreminder of the Yi people and their veneration of fire.理躓素前网ZC.ET