Plaza and Open SpaceNowadays,globalization has reached its maturity.Culturalexchange is occurring on a scale as never before.Forlandscape architects this provides opportunities,but alsoconstraints when it comes to planning timely open space.Landscape architects design space in the framework ofurban design and open place planning.They must takeinto account that the value of the modern open spaceplanning is measured by how well the open space cankeep up with current developments and serve to interpretcontemporary life appropriately.The public space is justlike its "living room"and "shopping window",acts as thelung of the urban city,provides endless vigor to the citydwellers.the city becomes better and more colorful forthe existence of public space.Being in the crowded plaza,from the layout of pathway.to the choice of the pavement materials,it gives aspecial feeling and improves the vigor of the plaza.Thedesign maintains the historic design elements:intergratesthe modern design language and future.Remaining olddesign elements,increasing modemn elements,indicatethe long history of plaza.The visitors can sense the realmeaning of the city at random.The flowing dynamicfountain,green lush plants,unique landscape pieces,provides a good chance to get close to the nature,be aware of its existence.also encourages to takepart in the activities.It is an ideal place for people tomeet,relax and hold special activities.The soft lighting./delicately designed by the designers,gives people asense of beauty.Ecological concept is also reflected andimplemented in the design.which is helpful to enhancepeople's environment sense.It meets the functionalneed,at the same time:meet their demand of play andesthetics广场开放空间在全球化日益成熟的今天。地区与国际间的交流日益密切。对景观行业来说。在拥有大量发展机会的同时,也面临卷巨大的挑战:如何设计出时代感强测的公共空间?如同突破现有设计手法的局限?在空间的处理上,景规设计一般以城市设计和公共空间规刻为主。而现代公共空间规刻的价值体现在公共空间是否顺应当代的发展并融入到现代生活中。公共空间宛如城市的“起居室”园空”,仿佛是供城市呼吸的韩,为城市带来了无尽的活力,公共空间的存在,使城市生话更加丰富多彩。走进熙熙镶镶的广场,从人行道的布局、到铺面材料的造择,都为广场增源了无限活力,给人一种独特的感受。既有对历史文化的传承,又有当代设计元素的加入,还有一些创新元素的应用。过去、境在、未来三者融为一体。整个城市的风貌与精釉,便在不知不觉中得以完美星现。灵动喷泉、绿意葱整的拉物、别具特色的景观小品,让人在亲近自然、感受自然的同时,不知不觉形入到整个广场的氛国中来,是供人聚会,体闲、话动的场所。经过设计师的精心设计,在满足功能需求的同时,更满足了大众的娱乐及审类需求。生态理念也在设计中得以加强和实施,增强了人们的环保理仑。道筑i2.www.aoadesigngr0up.C0m