全内内全色内推项商介NTRODU6 TIONSC全如内本项目位于大连市甘井子区,项目区位优势明显,周边配查完善。为营造The project is located in Ganjingzi district,Dalian city,with obvious advantages in the全内location and complete surrounding facilities.In order to create majestic city boundaries出磅的城市边界和丰富多彩的休闲生活场景,项目将"欧陆皇家庄园文and a rich leisure scene,the project fully integrates the "European royal estate culture"全色内into the community regulations,through rigorous layouts,a central business district,化”充分融入进社区规制之中,通过严谨的布局,集中的商业区、视野开全热内ultra-high-rise area with open vision and the western-style housing area with an ultra-阔的高层区和超低容积率的高端洋房区,打造大连新都市中心城,low floor area ratio to create a new urban center in Dalian City.全内色内The sales center in the demonstration area is the beginning of the rigorous and elegant示范区的售楼中心是礼序格局的开端,从售楼中心通透的玻璃幕墙望去,layout,looking from a transparent glass wall of the sales center,one's eye sight can be全内extended to the rear garden landscape,the staircase and hall,generating a dignified,可以将视线延伸至票观后花园、阶梯通魔,产生庄重、礼序。仪式较强elegant and ritual artistic effect.In the future,the sales center will be used as public公内的艺术效果。在后期,售楼中心将会作为物业管理及社区公速功能使用。buildings and for community property management functions.全鱼内On the building facade,the project focuses on the reproduction of classic shapes,to内reflect the classical aesthetic temperament.The building facade is more refined and在筑立面上,项目注还原经典形制,体现古典美学气质,让速筑立面delicate;in terms of technology and materials,the project uses modem high-end project更为细腻精致;工艺及材质上,项目运用现代高端材质和精工技术,将古materials and precision technology to realize the perfect combination of classical shapesand architectural details.creating a legendary high-end quality work.a residentialhom典形制与筑细节完美结合,打造高端品质的盛世之作、传家之宅.that can be passed down for generations.筑素拉阀Z.心.ET全拉内司全组内参2内全内全的内全内全色内