区域背景1.1Regional Contex袍江柯桥绿心越城用?SGNELocated at the Southern edge of Hangzhou Bay Delta,Shaoxing enjoys the绍兴位於浙江省中北部·线塘江以南。东连宁波市,南接台州地proximity and ease of movement to nearby regions,allowing the city to establish a区和全华市·西接杭州市·北隔线塘江与嘉兴市相望。东西长strong network of economic relationships with Shanghai and other rapid130公里·南北宽116公里,总面积7901平方公里。绍兴市下属有绍developing cities such as Hangzhou and Ningbo.The development of Shaoxing兴县·越城区·上赏市·诸稽市·新昌县和嵊州市。位於杭州湾三through strong infrastructure,trade,manufacturing,tourism agriculture,has seen角洲的南部边缘·绍兴市拥有临近周边经济发达区域的地理优势以immense growth over the past 10 years.enabling the city to profit economically及便捷的交通网铬·因而非常适於设一个与上海以及其他快速发and culturally by the significant improvement in the standards of living and thephysical environment.展城市(如杭州与宁波)之间的强大的经济联磐网路。在过去10年中·通过设强大的基础设施·发展贸易经济·裂造业与旅游农Shaoxing is well established as a historical and cultural oriented city,titled as one of业·绍兴市已经获得了巨大的发展·随着生活品质与环境品质的不the 24 National Historic Preservation Cities,hometown of numerous celebrities断改善·城市的文化与经济也在持续的发展之中·and scholars such as Zhou Enlai,Lu shun.and the origin of the famousagricultural products (Shaoxing wine and vinegar).The city is rich in tourist,绍兴,古往今来皆为人文荟萃之地·历史悠久·文化丰富·名人累Mastcultural and natural resources,giving it the porential to play a greater role within出,素有“文化名城”与“江南水乡”的美誉,是一座有4000多年the region.As the connection between Shanghai and the Shaoxing reduces文化积淀和近2500年城历史的古城。位於良诸文化与河姆渡文化dramatically with the construction of new Hangzhou bay bridge,Shaoxing should绍take advantage of its positioning and become a competitive player within the之间·是我国古代南方百越文化的中心和古籍记载中舜·禹活动的重要地区·也是春秋越国的政治·经济,文化中心。秦汉以後·这region.裹经济繁荣·文化昌盛·人扌辈出。1982年2月·国务院确定绍兴市为全国第-一批24座历史文化名城之一·指出绍兴“春秋为越国都八市镜湖城。有着名的兰亭·清末秋瑾烈士故居、近代鲁迅故居和周恩来阻居等。是江南水乡风光城市。”绍兴丰富的旅游、文化与自然资新源·使其在区域性的发展中拥有潜力来承担思更为重要的角色。随着杭州湾大桥的修,上海与绍兴之间的距离将大幅度的缩短·绍南兴的地理位置优势将更为突出·在整个区城中必将扮演起更重要的角色。区景观概念规划设EDAW UD 研究范围及基地状况1.3Study Area and Site contex水系统Existing Water现有筑Existing Building基地范围ite Boundary镜湖总研究面积:5,620haJinghu Total Development Area:5.620 ha研究范围:437haStudy Area:437 haDistrict CorThe current framework proposed for the 5.600ha Jinghu lake district presents a约为5,600公顷的镜湖新区所提供的现有规划框架包含了多种类型scheme of diverse development for civie,residential and tourism.The design的开发内容·包含了公共·居住以及旅游等分区。设计所面临的桃challenge is in establishing the overall strategy and master plan to guide the战在於·立一个总体的策略与据架·来引导城区的发展·並连接development of the district.connccting the numerous interlocking canals and起相互交错的水道与水体·以及创造一个全新的生态旅游目的地·water bodies,as well as creating a new ecological destination that contributes to the同时帮助加强城市未来的个性。基地的东面、西面以及北面分别由city's future identity.The site is bound by 3 major regional arteries in North,East三条区域性幹道包围想来·而在南面·则直接与旧城相毗邻·中间and West,and on the South.where it is directly adjacent to the northern edge ofthe old city,separated by the regional railway.A large section at the northern par横贯一条区域性的铁道路线。在现有的镜湖区的扩张过程中,位的基地北面的一个大型地块将受到保折与培育,在报告书中称为北湖of the site is reserved for the expansion of the existing Jinghu Lake,titled North绍Lake in the study report,targeting a significant 5.5 sq.km of water surface as a区·是一个占地5.5华方公里的水域·也是未来的区域性野生动植regional natural habitat reserve.Directly south of the North Lake is planned for a物栖息保护地。北湖区的正南面,被规划为一个湿地公园·用於在wetland park development in further preservation of the natural resources of the未来进一步保护镜湖新区的天然资源。district.市镜湖研究范围一南湖景区·占地约430公顷·位於镜湖区的南部地块·The study area-South Lake district.is an estimated 400ha site located at the虽然研究工作的核心在於确定第一期开发的景观设计与总体规划·新Southern portion of Jinghu District.Although the main focus of the study is of the但首先需要寻求连接南湖景区与旧城中心的可能性·以创造一个能landscaping and developing masterplan of this first phasedistrict,the initial够同时有盆於两个城区的总体方案·南湖景区的研究注重於中心湖cxercise looked into the opportunity of connecting the South lake district with the南泊的创造·以及立地形与水体之间的联累,同时保留北面的梅山old city centre,investigating on the potential of creating a murually beneficial湖视线风景·overall scheme.The South Lake district study focuses on the creation of the centrelake and establishing the relationships between the landforms and water,as well as区making reference to the Mei Shan Mountain in the north.景观概念规划设计EDAW UDJ.NE1 案例比较2.4Scale Comparisor中国,绍兴,镜湖新区中国·苏州·全鸡湖Jinhu New District,Shaoxing,ChinaJinji Lake,Suzhou,China面积(公顷)面积(公顷)Area(ha)5,600Arca(ha)513Unique features规划特点Createa broad hierarchy of open spaces for different uses elements.and functions to attracta wide cross section of users.塑造各种不同用途·大小不一的开放空间active commercial and civic uses into key open space areas to provide vitaliry to,将商业·雾售和公共筑脸入重要的开放空间区域,以带动空间the waterfrontMasterplan的结构绍-Provide a variety of recrearional and cducational opportunities within the open space system在开放空间系统中提供各种娱乐性和教育性的场所.Form a unique identity for each neighborhood,while creating a cohesive visual and physicalpublic connection around the lake针对每个不同的小区塑造特色·同时在视觉上及筑语彙上·保持八市镜Minimize the impact of the automobile on the open space,and reduce users reliance on一定程度的连贯性privare automobiles for transportation to public parks and waterfronts。限制开放空间中的车流量至最低程度,提倡利用公交到达公共公Orient local streets toward the lake,allowing views of the waterfront park within the园河水边·儘量减少自用车流量neighborhood新区南湖Incorporate the latest techniques for naturally improving the lake's water quality·所有街道的朝向面向生鸡湖,使各个邻里皆有良好的视野景区,留心水质改善的最新科技·从生态的角度改善全鸡湖水质景观概念规划设EDAW UD.NE1