At times all I need is a briefglimpse,an opening in the midstof an incongruous landscape,a glint of lights in the fog,thedialogue of two passersby meetingin the crowd,and I think that,setting out from there,I will puttogether,piece野piace the perfectcity,made of fragments mixed withthe rest,of instants separated byintervals,of signals one sends out,not knowing who receives them.素村网Z.Z沁.ET SHANGHAI4A94aFREE TRADE CITYHistory is rich with examples of free trade citles The Greeks had Dels,the northern Europeans had Lobeck,will be indigenous Tratfic patterrs,favoring broad mega-lane avenues,discouraging one-way trattx,andHamburg and Dannig and modem China traded through Hong Kong Dalian,Thanjin Shangha:and ether coastalexcuding totaries will follow the local nomm Residential building types derve froen the Korean penchant for highdevelpeddistinctvecal patterof lfe.architectrafor and identities tinked to their specific locationsEuropean.American and Asian cities,adapting them for the Korean context.Fee example,the street edge/houseSongdo is being created for mch the same purpose as a hab for notth-eastern Astan commerce It acts lAetaly(globali is used as a frame for the high-rie llocal Comretsely in some cates lecal Xorean paradigms,such as amaas a link between airport and mainland It will operate under tax and trade Lns which encourage foreignscale urban village setad have been reinterpeeted for insertion into a broader cultural context.Thus,Songdo saparticpation can be seen as part ofa sphere of internaticeal travel and commerce.Maor schools will teachhyerid cty-a transitioral zone which acts as a comnector,mbxoer.and filter between one nation and all that tiesn English At the same time,the majority of long term population willbe Kocean The landscape in the parksbeyond its border闐素村网Z.Z沁.E1