DESIGN PRINCIPLES设计原则1.THE BIG Y保证一个相对安全舒适的步行和骑行环境,自行车道、人行慢步道和跑步道之间相互独立,保证备We see the merging of the three primary open spaces.along with several lengths of项活动互不干扰,waterfront,forming one large green space in the heart of Ningbo fundamental to the successof the competition scheme.Rather than 3 separate parcels of land.our scheme is a fully4.HISTORYinterconnected and integrated composition of spaces that are rooted in history and offer aThe history of Ningbo is tied to commerce,trade and business.Ningbo people are shrewd anddiverse range of civic amenities for current and future generations.successful and these qualities should be represented in the story of Ningbo told within thisnew park space.Other aspects of history are found in the Ningbo Bund,the temples,church1、丝路三江and remnant landscape scattered within the city's heart.These are all incredible resources for场地由三个节点公园和几条滨水带构成,形成宁波三江核心区的绿色基底,项目成功的关量explaining the history of this place.Ningbo has been an outward looking city for centuries and在于将现状场地整合成一个完整的大型户外空间。我们的方案将各个地块统筹考虑,为当代居trade has been at the heart of its commercial progress and prosperity.As part of the concept民和游客提供服务,也为下一代城市居民构良好的绿色基础设施a major open space plaza is designed and dedicated to the tea trade that originally shipped itsgoods from this location.Other primary plazas and open spaces celebrate the history of Ningbo2.GENERATOR OF A NEW ECONOMY FOR NINGBOthrough appropriate,meaningful public art.N上In example after example,in cities around the world,it has become evident that innovative4、历史parks and open spaces can become important generators of city economies.As an part because it's remarkable collection of inspiring parks and open spaces宁波的历史与商业贸易活动密不可分,宁波商人闻名世界,这一特质在设计中得到体现。会馆、敦has over the years consistently been voted as one of the most livable cities in the world.This堂,丝绸之路起点等历史点和遗留筑位于城市中心,这些都是讲述宁波历史最好的资源。宁波数has created a considerable economic boost for Vancouver attracting residents to make their百年来都是极具开放性的械市,商业活动的发展促进了城市的繁荣,设计中紧紧抓住宁波人这种开homes and set up Businesses at a surprising rate.拓进取,力争世界一流的贸易精神,运用当代最先进的专业技术和设计理念,诠释独特的宁波精神。2、经济增长的引擎5.HEALTH世界各国的城市发展证实,一个健康的绿色系统和公共开放空间是城市经济增长重要的引擎。Healthy living is a global concem.This plan embeds many encouraging opportunities for healthy以世界最佳宜居城市温哥华为例,良好的居住环境和连续的城市公共开放空间,是它长久保持living.Walking.cycling.sports and play are all a part of the comprehensive park program.These城市魅力的核心资源。同时这也带给了温哥华持久的经济增长。从全球来看,年轻一代企业家opportunities are all set within green open spaces and provide a much needed relief from day-更倾向于美丽、健康、绿色和活力的居住环境。to-day stresses of life.Healthy cities attract new families businesses and tourist and are a greatsource of economic well-being as well.One of the new global economies is being directed by3.CAR FREEthe creative class":people who are well educated,bright,energetic and innovative.These peopleare people who are developing new innovatetive technologies.They are the entrepreneurs of theOur scheme supports Ningbo's efforts to caim traffic by establishing a strategy that wouldfuture and Ningbo will want to attract them to ensure long term prosperity.fully separate pedestrians and cyclists from cars,creating a safe and enjoyable experiencefor all users of the city's new Central Park district.Further,the non-motorized circulationroutes of the plan are also separated or designed in a way that minimizes the conficts often5、健康present between cyclists and pedestrians.健康是一个全球性的议题。方案中鼓励各种有利于居民健康的活动,如骑行、收步,踢球等。这些活动场地都处在一个绿色的公共开放空间中,解决居民日常锻炼需求,也有利于吸引外来人,同3、非机动化交通时促进城市旅游经济和商业活动的繁荣,城市环境的健康是一个积极因素,能为宁波带来新的商业机遇。现在全球经济正逐步由富有创造力的新兴团体所引领。他们通常受过良好教育、聪明、精力方案中一项重要策略是鼓励步行和自行车交通。通过设置独立道路系统,与城市机动车辆隔离,充沛并富有创造力,他们是未来宁波缝续繁荣发展所必需的人才。宁波三江景观方案设计NINGBO SANJIANGKOU LANDSCAPE CONCEPT理览素前网ZC.ET