项目概念说明中文简介每一个中国人有一种至高追求“进而家国天下,退而山水田园”,这是一种中华“礼序”和自热的完美结合,我们在熙墅的筑设计中即是这种观念的坚实追求者。乾隆时代是中国园林最集大成时代,是皇家文化与江南文化的完美合一,也是中西合璧的典型代表,所以我们希望用更现代的手法呈现这一辉煌圣境所以在规划上尽而用了“两苑八园”“十坊十巷”重新定义了现代皇家文化与江南文化的融合,以期形成中国入居的典范生活在高层设计中,为了消解高价对项目销售带来的压力,高溢价成为最重要的设计原则。“空中花园式大露台”“空中别墅一一复式设计”“卧室全飘窗设计”“筑立面的类幕墙设计”“顶部的皇冠造型设计”等等,一方面提升了筑的溢价率,另一方面保了证筑立面的现代感、尊贵感。在别墅设计中,我们更坚实的追求皇家筑气质,同时融合了两进三院的居住体验。因此,本项目从售楼处到大区的筑再到细节设计,都将核心概念一以贯之,处处渗透。英文简介The project location is considered to be the most wanted area in 2016. An elegance style was decided for this project; this high profileconstruction is tailored to Glory Ltd. for their initial project of entering the Suzhou market Landscape and garden design rose to its peakduring the Qing Dynasty they were flourishing with royal and local ethnic cultures; also combining Chinese and western elements. We wishmodern and unique design language to tell such gorgeous piece of chinese culture. We used a traditional street planning idea for ourto portray the structural living pattern of our culture We also planned to develop gardens and mansions with luxurious exterior andinterior scheme to define our style of elegancy and modern approach We stand strong for our pursuit of high profile and luxurious scheme forour housing design; at the same time including traditional Chinese villa layout to depict the blend of modern and the past. Our designhilosophy is the core of this project and will be portrayed through every details withinC