项目介绍 Introduction阿联酋馆的形式是源自于The form of the UAE Pavilion is derived丘形状。阿联酋的自然from the constantly changing form of the在阿联酋人的文化与生活sand dune. The natural environment andwildlife of the UAE are fundamental to联酋人的日常生活非常紧密地结合在一 Emirati culture and lifestyle, and the sanddunes, particularly, are intimately tied to沙丘上三个拱起的部分代表着三个主要 the daily life of both the traditional and的组件:阿联酋的过去,现在与未来contemporary Emirati每一个沙丘都有向风面(承风力)和背 The three rises of the sand dune风面(沙在向风面向上移动后沉积), represent the three main components阿联莤馆的形式设计是以这个原理of the exhibition: the past, present and风面将上海的风偏转,并保护半透明的 ure of the Ur背风面,免受强风和烈阳的仿害工这Thit eai Z. JZSC NET形式达到最合乎环境要求的可持久的设 a leeward side(where the sand is沙丘巧妙地从地上显现,在白天带引参face). The form of the UAE Pa观者进入场馆,在夜里的光芒把附近世 such that the windward side of the dune博的人们都吸引到场地里去is oriented to deflect the predominantanghai winds and protect the leewardinstruction, from direct solar radiation.his allows the Pavilion to perform as thedune in nature and to achieve the mostentally sustainableThe dune emerges subtly from thelandscape, drawing visitors inside as theyome across the pavilion during the day,and glows at night attracting people tothe site from around the Expos问延筑系啊网8e:NET