Case study案例分析問.J∠C.NE哈尔斯塔特小镇位于风景如画的奥地利萨尔茨卡默古特“湖区”的中心地帶,被訾为“世间最具灵性的湖滨小镇”,清晨的湖面不时笼罩着一层薄雾,偶然撑來一叶扁舟,激起的波澜在平静的湖面划出无数涟漪;傍晩的湖岸更是迷人,紅树黃叶漫山遍野,天鵝水鸭浮游觅食,还有岸边花团锦蔟的咖啡屋,都成为小镇最靓丽的风景线appeal. With verdant hills as backdrop, Hallstatt is fronted by a tranquil foggy lake occasionally rippled by passing skiffs. when dusk comes, the blazing autumnalaves all over the hills, swans and ducks foraging in the water, and flower- embraced coffee houses on the bank would present the most charming views.哈尔斯塔特earc