The White City PartnershipDT?Employment,Market and Enterprise Strategy for the Masterplanning of White CityAugust 200415.Regarding the supply side perspective,this report goes on to consider the potential developmentmix which is considered appropriate (on the site),taking into account both demand(employment growth)and property market conditions.From the scenarios that have beenexamined,DTZ believes that there is scope for the following new development to bebetween 224,000 sq.m (2.41 m2)and 316,000 sq.m (3.4 m 2)of Bl floor space;residential development;18,600sq.m(200,00)of ancillary retail and leisure;budget hotels,or a conference hotel if linked to a major attraction (see next bullet);andother new forms of development,such as a major casino development,which would bothwiden the range of job opportunities as well as help to put White City "on the map"yetfurther.MARKET DEMAND興尚览.ET