232 The Szencorp Building310 C&A Eco-Store65664SJB ArchitectsEhrich+Vogel ArchitektenExtra Large2K466446422556236 Community Center Ludesch314 Hotel SoteliaHermann KaufmannEnota388 Schlierberg Solar SettlementRolf Disch SolarArchitektur240 Headquarter Q-Cells SE318 PalaisQuartier-Shopping Center MyZeilbhss-architekten/Behnisch HermusMassimiliano e Doriana Fuksas392 XERITOWNSchinko SchumannX Architects,SMAQ-322 New Government Quarter Budapestarchitecture urbanism research244 Waterpower Amalfi Coastteamo7o8Centola Associati,De8 Architetti394 Solar Standard324 Federal Environmental Agency DessauDriendl Architects246e3sauerbruch huttonKaden Klingbeil Architekten398 Penang Peaks326 Paul-Horn-ArenaMichael Sorkin Studio250 Farm De MikkelhorstAllmann Sattler Wappner ArchitektenOnix400 Treasure Island Master Plan330 OpernTurmSkidmore,Owings Merrill254 Solan Monastery Wine StorageProf.Christoph Mackler Architektenperraudinarchitectes402 Shenzhen Logistic City334 Letzigrund StadiumJDS-Julien de Smedt architects258 Bay Educational CenterBetrix Consolascio ArchitektenCroxton Collaborative Architectswith Eric Maier,Erwin Gruber406 Mountain DwellingsBIG-Bjarke Ingels Group262 Cathedral of Christ the Light338 BiovalloSkidmore,Owings MerrillCentola Associati410 Nanao ResortXRANGE266 Modern Hungarian Gallery42写Suyarnabhumi International AirportKistelegdi Architecture OfficeMrp打ahnCan2 Generali TowerValode et Pistre architectesM346 Atrio Shopping CenterLargeATP Architects and Engineers416 Ciudad del Medio Ambientead hoc,barbarela studio.350 Ericusspitzebest before,modostudio272 Residences MuhlwegHenning Larsen ArchitectsHermann Kaufmann418 Masdar Development354 The Biodesign Institute atFoster +Partners276 Stockland Head OfficeArizona State UniversityBVN ArchitectureGould Evans,422 North IslandLord,Aeck SargentSilvio Rech,Lesley Carstens280 Genzyme CenterArchitects and Interior ArchitectsBehnisch Architects358 New Headquarters forSuddeutscher Verlag4444446444444464444424446644444444284 Peter and Paula Fasseas Cancer ClinicGKK+Architekten,426 Architects IndexCO ArchitectsCBP Technische Ausrustung GmbH439 Picture Credits288 Central Library Amsterdam362 CapricornhausJo Coenen CoGATERMANN+SCHOSSIG440 ImprintL4455644A44444644644444644446244444444292 The California Endowment366 Water Life MuseumRios Clementi Hale StudiosLehrer Gangi Design Build296 Elm Park370 California Academy of SciencesBucholz McEvoy ArchitectsRenzo Piano Building Workshop300 Solaris374 Shopping Square Meydan-OmraniyeT.R.Hamzah YeangForeign Office Architects302 Boston Children's Museum378 Hearst TowerCambridge Seven AssociatesFoster+Partners306 PTE Science Building382 Danish Broadcasting Media HouseZoltan Bachman,Balint BachmannDissing +Weitling arkitektfirmaIstvan Kistelegdi,Akos Hutter明素前网Z.Z心 7Ecology:House (oikos)and Reasoning(logos)y Chris van UffelenWriting a book about ecological architectureferent approaches have resulted in exem-has always saved energy.In antiquity,s no easy task-ecology is not a type ofplary ecological structures.In addition tohowever,energy savings was not a value inouilding;nor is it a definable style.No eco-the exploration of progressive technologies,itself,but merely a part of the cost-benefitogical solutions could be valid atseenpm thisfield most oftencaleulation This is also the case for themate zones,even if there were a compre-is the use and implementation of these inpractice of recycling building materialsensive canon of technologies honed toarchitecture.Many unusual technologiesand even whole building sections,whicherfection.Needless to say,such a canonwould have to be considered if we don'twas carried out routinely in antiquity anddoesn't exist.Ecological technologies arelimit ourselves to architecture and insteadthe Middle Ages.Bricks from hypocauststill evolving,and new products appear ontake up construction in general.The taskwere especially popular due to theirhe market each month,whether they areof this book,however,is to highlight thestrength and standard size.lectrical (photovoltaics)or heat(geother-interaction of artistic expression and envi-46444464666446444444444147444441444446mics),insulation(phase change materials)ronmentally friendly technology.If justAn existing ancient Roman capitol couldproducts or building greening techniques.a few years ago photovoltaics were merelybe economically adapted to new use andFacade modules can house all necessaryinstallations placed on an opportunelylocal materials could be found quickly andbuilding systems or even absorb harmfulslanted roof,today they have become ancheaply,whereas transportation of qualitysubstances from the air.Which technologyintegral part of building design-practi-supplies added enormous costs.Four hun-s conclusively the right choice for a specificcally every architect implements ecological dred and fourteen ancient Roman columnsconstruction task,which combination pro-technologies.are found in the Kairouan mosque in Tunisia.duces the minimum harm to the environ-MCharlemagne let war spoils from Rome andment?These questions have to be answeredAesthetic-minded architecture with a con-Ravenna be transported over the Alps forfor each project anew.This book illustratescentration on ecology first appeared athis Imperial Palace in Aachen.In this case,more than 1oo individual cases where dif-the end of the 196os,but remained solelyrecycling came at a high price,but serveda stylistic niche.In contrast,many of the the political purpose of placing the king astechnologies that we classify as ecological the successor of ancient Roman emperors.today have existed from time immemorial.The columns'significance can be gatheredBuilding with clay is one of the oldest con-from the fact that in 1794 they were removedI Elegant Embellishments,proSolve 37oe:struction techniques,and the use of rawby the French and transported to Paris,andhree-dimensional air pollution reducing archi-ectural tilesmaterials(clay,as opposed to baked bricks)the majority was returned in 1815.Reuse as蜀Z.Z心.NE町 PREFACEI Neri Oxman MATERIALECOLOGY,Construction In Vivo:osmotic breathable facadeby controlling passive CNT distribution and self-powered actuation→→I Foster+Partners,lg99,the Reichstagdome in Berlin:light is guided into the buildingusing reflection→→→I Peter Hubner and Peter Sulzer,1g8oBauhausle,Stuttgart:student hostel 'Self Build'I Photovoltaic panels on the roof of PierLuigi Nervis papal audience hall,Vatican citya citation for gaining political legitimacy nonballs.Monument protection,especially contrast,during the first decades of theabated in the Gothic period,as Gothic archi-for non-ecclesiastical buildings,almost did zoth century,rural building methods andtecture did not readily accept incorporation not exist,while legitimizing spoils(as,fornatural materials received renewed interesof foreign elements.The 145 ancient columns.example,during the demolition of the Old from many perspectives.Going against thein the atrium behind the western facade of 5t.Peter's Basilicay enjoyed a renewedgrain of Modernism's evolution into thethe San Marco cathedral in Venice have lost popularity.A further well-known example International Style,this movement pro-their load bearing function.Medieval cathe-is the reuse of stones from the razedduced well-known examples such asdrals also fulfilled the strictest insulationBastille for the Pont de la Concorde,whereEbenezer Howard's garden cities,Germanrequirements thanks to their structurally citizens were given the opportunity toNeo-Classicism,which looked back tonecessitated thick walls,successfully keeping trample the hated prison with their feet.the period "around 18o0",Scandinavianbitter cold out of the interior until Easter.national romanticism and its modernThese buildings,of course,didn't have heat-In the context of modern garden architec-torchbearer found in Hugo Aalto,socialing systems;simple fireplaces and,for large ture,building forms which today would be consciousness of the Amsterdam Schoolspaces,coal ovens continued to be too much called ecological came about from grottosutilizing decorative clinker and thatch roofof a rarity during the Early Modern period and similar covered spaces as well as from and Frank Lloyd Wright's earth-linkedto present them using special decorativethe early 'vernacular'style(Hameau de la expressionism in Taliesin West.We canelements as luxury objects.Reine,Marie-Antoinette's private farm-like nonetheless also find tendencies that we464A444444464644666446464444444444444444444444456retreat in Versailles).By way of the English would now describe as ecological amongThe technical advances in glass manufac-landscape garden,this romantic architecture the representatives of geometrical,func-ture produced larger and cheaper panes,continued in the late 19th century as thetional Modernism.As a result of ever in-allowing improved illumination with com-Arts and Crafts movement which,facingcreasing information about hygiene (Operfortable interior temperatures.During thethe rise of industrialization,preoccupiedlucht School in Amsterdam,Duiker enRenaissance and Baroque periods,disman-itself with manual production,pastoralBijvoet),daylight and natural illuminationtling and reuse of antique buildings cameappearances and natural materials.Aswere placed at the very core of buildinginto fashion again,reaching a new peak.The next,Art Nouveau brought a nature con-design.Elevating buildings allowed soil tocolumns and capitols corresponded to the nection to architecture,albeit often onlyremain unsealed to a degree(Corbusier),current tastes,and the remaining materials as decoration:floral elements served asfunction analysis allowed reduction ofwere processed into building lime and can-examples of form and ornamentation.Insome space programs(Bauhaus)and the蜀素村网Z.ZS心 PREFACEI Francoise-Helene Jourda GillesPerraudin,1999,Akademie Mont-Cenis in HerneSodingen:buildings in a glasshouse with photo-voltaics→→I Jean Nouvel,Emanuel Cattani etAssocies,1994.Fondation Cartier pour I'ArtContemporain,Paris:extra garden area resultsfrom setting the building away from the street→→→I Rolf Disch,1g94,Heliotrop,Freiburgbuilding rotates toward sunlightI Foster Partners,1990,CommerzbankFrankfurt/Main:gardens for ventilationI Prof.Jimmy Lim,Johore Area Rehabilita-tion,2008:traditional forms for modern ecology-solids and voids induce more passive movement ofair and penetration of light into the buildingfirst scientific studies laid the foundationlow-tech architecture.With the rise of theconservation movement was gaining momfor our current standards(Functionalism).nature conservation movement,and espe-entum,eventually leading to the rise ofIn contrast,the idea of being able to formu-cially following the oil crises of 1974 andthe Green Party on Germany's political scenelate an international architectural vocabu1978,a wide range of consciously ecologicalArchitecture at this time was reexamininglary was not so fortunate for architecturelow-tech architecture appeared in-thetraditional values:local building materialsecological progress.After WWIl,thisPeter Huebner,Lucien Kroll,Sverre Fehnin critical regionalism(Vorarlberg)andthinking often led to resource-consumingand Jourda Perraudin.Earthen houses were traditional forms in postmodern architec-buildings.Heating and cooling systemsespecially popular(Malcom Wells,Gustavture,whose natural stone dressing oftenwere seen as merely providers of comfort-Peichl,Arthur Quambie)and sometimespresented only a skin-deep connection toable conditions,and not as symptoms ofintersected with land art(James Turrell).nature.New Urbanism brought back theinsufficient thermal protection.Energy wasAn analytical-technical perspective wasgarden city as a socio-romantic,conserva-cheaper than insulation and materials couldexamined with the advance of passive suntive alternative to cities for the middlebe inexpensively transported or manu-energy (Thomas Herzog).In the 198os,aclass.Ebenezer Howard could not have imfactured by a quickly developing chemical shift took place towards illustrating man-agined garden cities without railroadindustry which hardly understood thekind's deep-rooted sensitization to the idea connections to the metropolis,and theselong term effects of their products.of architecture as a counterpart to nature.settlements were soon transformed intoWAAA2AAKAKKKKKJ1421141711447540104141712021124114Examples of this trend are the ironic andsatellite towns,dependent on automo-As the 196os were coming to a close,factors provocative Best Stores from SITE,wherebiles.New environmental technologies likesuch as Alexander Mitscherlich's"Unwirt-a tropical rainforest behind flowing waterimproved insulation and solar collectorslichkeit unserer Stadte"("Inhospitality of is placed in a shop window or,as in Franzwere developed in the 198os,and ecologicaour cities",1965)and the expansion of theHohler's story"Die Ruckeroberung"(The awareness increased rapidly.However,consumer society led to a mounting crit-Recapture"),plants destroy the walls of a re-this mind shift started to influence architeicism of its architecture,and an alternative cently completed building.Utopias like James tural appearance only as the decade camewas seen in pre-industrial building meth-Wine's Highrise of Homes,an assembly of to a close.The first charts comparing keyods using natural materials.The search forvillas inside a multi-storied parking garage,ecological data appeared in the 199os anda Muslim identity beyond the international are a provocative statement in protest offor the first time enabled a scientific ap-architectural language led Hassan Fathislandscape-destroying development sprawl.proach to ecology.Environmental efforts(New Barris in Egypt,starting in 1967)toAll the time,the influence of the natureofficially became political goals and grew蜀素前网Z.Z心.NEI