ForewordZheng ShilingAcademician.Chinese Academy of Sciences.Membere de I'Academie d'Architecture of France.Honorary Feliow of the American Institute of Architects.Professor.Tongji UniversityTo some extent,the evolution of the architectural history and the advancement of the architectural technologies are also the continuous processin which human beings struggle to alter the nature for better living conditions.The development of modern science,technology and industry hasprovided this alteration with more information and means.making it possible to build comfort internal environment inside the architecturecompletely independent of the natural system.without any disturbance from the natures law.However.the artificial cosiness often dependsupon facilities that consume plenty of energy.such as air conditioning.illumination and ventilation,etc.the energy consumptions increasingwith the improvement in cosiness.This kind of development mode has eventually brought forth the global environmental and energy crisis atpresent:substantive exhaust emission.greenhouse effect,climate variation.resource exhaustion.all of which have posed threats to the survivaland security of human beings.Environmental issues have becomeone of the global focuses in the 21st century.Along with the continuous development of global economy.rapid process in developing improving livingstandards of city dwellers as well as the higher and higher requirement for indoor cosiness.the proportion of architecture consumed energy in theconsumption of the entre society will continue to rise.Every year,a great volume of energy together with a great number of woods,bricks andminerals have been spent on the new buildings and rebuilt ones,leading to soil erosion,vegetation degeneration.species decrease and environmentaldeterioration.Meanwhile,issues like low land resource utilization,severe water pollution and high building material usage,ete.exist in theprocess of construction.How to deal with the relationship between human and nature and realize sustainable development,this is a hugeJ.NEDesigning and building sustainable architeciure have gradually become one of main streams in today's architectural design.More and morearchitecture firms have emerged with the sustainable design capacity as their core competition strength.Reputed architects and firms of thepast have also redirected toward sustainability.some of which have become the leaders in this sphere.including Norman Foster.MichaelHopkins.Richard Rogers.Behnisch,Behnisch Partner.ete.Three major respects with which the work has won its fame are first-classarchitectural design quality,sustainable design concept and the corresponding technical approaches.The Lloyds Register of Shipping byRogers and the Gienzyme Centre by Behnisch.Behnisch&Partner are fine examples.Hence,in the field of architectural design.goodoutlooks are no longer the evaluation standard.the keys have shifted increasingly to the attentionon energy and environment.Europeisleading the world in sustainable architectural design.thanksto the increasing strictness and completeness of the mandatory regulationsat the national level.In addition.The recent research achievements of specialised research institutes on sustainable design is approachingmaturity day after day.efforts have been made to support high degree of industrialization:educational and research institutes have attachedgreat importance and offered generous supports to sustainable development:as well as many non-profit civil organizations have proactivelypromoted and publicized the concept of environmental protection and energy saving in the public.As the first continent which has seen theside effects of technology and industry.Europe is now pondering over the issue of balance.which is the extension of the sustainable developmentconcepl,seekinga kind of concept and technology that is beneficial to the nature and allows balanced coexistence with the nature.Over almost two decades from 1980s to the end of 1990s.our country has experienced a period of rapid construction with the focus onconom development.Since wecrossed the threshold ofscntythe new conce of sustanable development the scientific developmentapproach,is rapidly shaping the dominant way of thinking in China's development and construction for the future.In view of architecture.thestate has formulated macro policies on architectural energy saving.based on which various cities and sectors have made regulations onenergy saving management respectively.Major domestic architectural design institutes are working proactively for a shift in the way ofthinking.beginning with new attempts on the design of architectures featuring environmental protection and energy saving.Educationinstitutions specialised in architecture have also started to make architecture energy saving design as one of the important breakthroughpoints in the discipline development.Since this century.a series of intemational symposiums on green environment and sustainable developmenthave been held in many citics.The awareness of energy saving.environmental protection and sustainable development is going deep into thesocial life.By far some model architectures featuring energy saving have been completed,such as the Demonstration building with ultra-lowenergy consumption in Tsinghua University.the SRIBS Eco-Office&Laboratory Building.etc.All of this has indicated the arrival of thesustainable design era in China.運筑素前网Z.Z沁 Based on the above mentioned circumstances and contemplation.Yan Ji and Dr.stellios Plainiotis have compiled this book of recentlyimportant cases by famous international design institutes.Yan Ji has acquired her master's degree in the direction of sustainable developmentin the University College London.and is engaged in the architectural design practice in U.S.She is a LEED accredited professional byUSGBC.also having considerable domestic design experience.Dr.Stellios Plainiotis is a Researcher Environmental Scientist,with postgraduatedegrees in sustainable architecture and virtual environments from the University College London and Ph.D.in Air Pollution DispersionModelling from the University of Greenwich.London.UK.This book has explained some basic principles and methods of introducingsustainable design into architectural design.With referral to and analysis of 21 cases on sustainable development.it represents the understandingand choice of foreign architecture design firms,designers and engineers on sustainable architecture,as well as how they adopt the environment-specific approach of sustainable development-from simple and passive utilization of nature to systematic design,taking comprehensiveconsideration of various hi-tech means,optimise the reasonable utilization of a multitude of natural and environmental resources whiletaking the aesthetics and intemal space into account,so as to create the innovative and sustainable architecture.Meanwhile,this book alsobriefed on China's explorative experiments on energy saving and ecological architecture in recent years.From the selected cases in this book.we can also conclude three noticeable points in the promotion and publicity of sustainable design:First,sustainabie design has high technological contents.but this doesn't mean the more and higher iechnologies to use the better".rather.As far as sustainable architecture is concemed,the particularity of environment plays the determinant role in the project design.Especially forChina.the variety ofelimate conditions and geographic environments existing on the vast territory has provided excellent opportunities fordesigners tocreate by exploring and utilizing the natural resources.In the design process.the dependence on mechanical system should beavoided.Uniquc and innovative design techniques shall be constantly explored with the design logic ofrespecting environment and the accumulatedexperiences of various disciplines to improve the construction quality.to rediscover the quality of nature and to refocus on the perception of thelight.the sun and the wind.Then.attention should be paid to the reasonable integration of technology with traditional design aesthetics and logie.avoiding the unilateralemphasis on technology.which would result in the so called sustainable architecture at the expense of the architectural design quality.Technologyis important.though no essential.Asfor as architectsare concemed.the architecture is always the main body of design,while sustainable designwill convert the sustainable development concept into an applicable and detailed design strategyFinally.sustainable design is not the attachment or supplement of architectural design,but an integrated design process with the architecturaldesign.This requires close cooperation of the landlord.the architects and engineers of each specialty in the whole process from site selection.scheme formation to the project implementation.Only in this way can the social and economic benefits of sustainable architecture be broughtinto full play.As has been realized since the time of Copemicus.humans are not at the centre of the universe.Nor can they transit into the future in the blinkof an eye.no matter how much they long for it.The future remains to be created with unremitting efforts and perseverance.In the era ofglobalisation.sustainable development should be based on ecological and sociological ethics,in which humans evolve and develop inharmony with the earth that feeds them.Humans should pay respect to the earth.by way of controlling their own development as well as thesocial and production organizations worldwide.As French scientist Claude Allegre pointed out at the end of his book.Ecologie des villes.fcologie des champs.human beings must be aware of the fact that the era of contending with nature has gone when humans survive bystruggling against the nature:to reform it.to exploit it,and to pollute it.An era of harmonious coexistence is unfolding itself.And this bookis aimed at the realization of the coexistence of humans and the nature.June 21st.2006莲蜀素村网Z.JZ沁.ET ContentsForewordby Zheng ShilingSustainable Design:Concepts and Strategies1 Sustainability and the Buildings………11.1Energy and the environment..............................................................1.2 Benefits of sustainable building projects....................2 Sustainable Design Strategies……2.1 Environmentally-responsive design and construction strategies.................................2.2 Solar energy for heating,cooling and lighting..............................112.3 Natural ventilation...173 Sustainable Design Assist To0ls*………223.1 Physical modelling techniques..223.2 Numerical modelling techniques..........................................234 Sustainable Building Assessment Systems...........................................................244.1 The British Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Methodology(BREEAM)...244.2Green Building Challenge (GBC)...............................................................254.3 The US Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED)..........264.4 Other sustainable building assessment systems.........26Sustainable Design:Case StudiesInstitute for Forestry and Nature Research,Wageningen,The Netherlands..............................3067aE4254Conceptual Design of Senscity Paradise Universe.Las Vegas.USA.........64Hybrid Cooling in the Malta Stock Exchange,Malta..David Lawrence Convention Center-Natural Ventilation Options Performance Simulation withinthe Mixed-Mode Ventilation Strategy.Pittsburgh,PA,USA...18The New Environmental Office.BRE,Watford,UK.....................................................86Manor Park,Headquarters for RARE Ltd.,Twycross,Leicestershire,UK........Oxstalls Campus,University of Gloucestershire,Gloucestershire.UK....96Darwin Center at the Natural History Museum,London,UK....100Franchise Tax Board Phase lll Office and Warehouse Facilities.Sacramento,CA.USA.......104Southeast Regional Treatment Center,Madison,Indiana,USA....106IBM Tivoli Systems,Inc.Headquarters,Austin,TX,USA.....110Inland Revenue Center,Nottingham,UK......114Jubilee Campus,the University of Nottingham,Nottingham.UK...120Portcullis House,London,UK.......130Daimler Chrysler,Potsdamer Platz.Berlin,Germany....138Lloyd's Register of Shipping.London,UK.146GSW Headquarters,Berlin,Germany.……152Photonics centre,Berlin,Germany……160SRIBS Eco-Office Laboratory Building.Shanghai,China.....166運蜀素前网Z.JZ沁.ET