Mountain Resort Design Guidelines-Crystal Mountain,Westbank BCBuilding Elementsstreetscape design must be submittedfor preliminary approval to the DesignThe shape of the building will beReview and Approval Authority for thedetermined by its functional mass.Falseresort area prior to application to theappurtenances and decorativeauthorities having jurisdiction forarchitectural elements with no functiondevelopment and building permits.will not be permitted.Decorationsshould only apply to real functions.It isThe designers of buildings,signs andintended that the style be rustic,solidincidental development componentsand true,with its elegance and gracemust submit a site plan,conceptualprovided by good proportions,goodbuilding drawings,colour schemes andmassing and good relationship to theall necessary design information to theother buildings.The building massDesign Review and Approval Authorityresulting from the shape of walls,floors(DRAA)prior to submitting drawings forand roofs must be broken into smallera Development Permit.Upon approval,scale components to avoid brutal andthe DRAA will provide a writtenoverpowering proportions.Ornamentstatement confirming to the authoritiesand decoration will be encouragedhaving jurisdiction that the project is inonly in the direction of sculpting andcompliance with the Master Planfinishing the functional buildingGuidelines.Subject to compliance withelements.The use and appearance ofthe OCP and zoning regulations,B.Cnatural elements will begivenBuilding Code and any relevant localpreference.bylaws,the authority having jurisdictionDge尚o高will then issue a Development Permitand a Building Permit.Authority Requirements-Site PlanAnd Conceptual Drawings.Each building component must bedesigned to fit within the buildingenvelope designated in the MasterPlan/OCP and Zoning documents andmust comply with other MasterPlan/OCP and Zoning documentsrequirements and guidelines.A Design Review and ApprovalAuthority (DRAA)will be responsible fordesign review and arranging forcompliance with these guidelines as setout in the Master Plan/OCP and Zoningdocuments and in the covenantsregistered on land titles.Drawings showing buildingplans,sections and elevations,roof plans,finishes,colours,landscapeandcopyright,oberto oberti architecture and urban design inc.6莲筑素衬网Z..ET Mountain Resort Design Guidelines-Crystal Mountain,Westbank BCEaves,fascias,bargeboards,andSummary of Principles:soffits should be,or appear to be,ofnatural wood.Roofs must be steeply pitched andarticulatedwithout unnecessaryDecorative roof elements such asdecoration.cupolas,towers,finials,gingerbreadtracery and the like are generallyRoofs must be designed to bediscouraged and should be usedviewed from above.only in strict moderation and todecorate functional architecturalHazards of snow and iceelements.accumulations must be provided forin design.Flagpoles incorporated into buildingor roof designs are encouraged inRoofs in the vicinity of the main resortpublic base areas to create a sensebase area should be metal with aof place and of visual activity.copper green colour to provide acoherent design.Vented cold roof designs areencouraged in order to minimizemaintenance problems.copyright,oberto oberti architecture and urban design inc.10興尚理筑素付网Z.ZC.ET