THREE CONTEXTSAs one considers the redevelopment of the Qian Hai territory.planning propositions should be viewed fromthe perspective of three particular contexts related to three particular scales of the territory:ECONOMICQian Hai is strategically located within the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau mega-region at the edge ofthe Pearl River estuary.This unique geographic location at the center of the economic engine of China,equidistant from both the Hong Kong and Shenzhen airports,places Qian Hai as a prime location for thedevelopment of a new.vibrant,sustainable.21st century urban district.URBANThroughout its rapid growth over the last 30 years,the City of Shenzhen has continued to move west,fromLuohu to Futian,and now to Qian Hai Here,for the first time,Shenzhen can interface its rapid economicand urban growth with the potential amenity and iconicty of its wester waterfront.Shenzhen has theopportunity to transform Qian Hai from the City's back door,to its new.iconic,interationally recognizedfrontage.ECOLOGICALThough Shenzhen is home to a large area of ecological preserve,and some of the finest urban landscapesin China,the Qian Hai territory can be characterized as being ecologically fractured and overwhelmedby industrial processes.Reconnecting the territory to the ecological matrix of the City.as well asimprovements in the water quality of the harbour should be a primary ambition of any transformation.JZ三大背景前海地区的重新开发规划生要从以下基地特有的3个背景和3个尺度出发:经济青景前海区位于中国经济发展的引摩:广东,香港-藻门三角区中的珠江岸、并处于香港机场和深圳机场的中点特殊的地理位置为前海地区成为21世纪新型、充满活力的、可持读发展的21世纪新型的都市环境。提供充分的条件城市背景经过30年的快德发展,深圳市持续了西向发展的策略,从罗期到福田,再到前海。而南湾区将成为深圳第一次有机会立符合快速发展的标志性水岸城区的场所,前海地区将一跃从深圳后院转变为具有国际识别性与加名度的流水城市生态骨景作为深辑市拥有诸多生态自然保护区和怡人城市根观的区城,前海一直以来以过度工业化和自然环境的废坏而受人话病.将前有地区重新纳入深铜市优良的整体生态坏境并净化港的水质将成为任何规划改透中最重要的一环粥磊网2.2心.E1 CREATING THE WATER CITYWe propose a new and vibrant 21st century city for the Qian Hai district of Shenzhen-a new city that is dense,compact,mixed,sustainable and centered around thearea's most important resource-water.The great opportunity in the Qian Hai district is the occasion to embrace the wateras the defining feature of the territory's identity.This watery identity is not solelyabout a post-card view of the harbour,but an approach to processing,remediatingand enhancing the water on site and in the harbour that is environmentallyinnovative,while simultancously generating a wide range of watery urbanenvironments throughout the territory's 18 square kilometers.In considering QianHai,Shenzhen should aspire to create a waterfront city that rivals Hong Kong.Sydney,Vancouver and Barcelona in its quality,character and globally recognizablephysical,economic and cultural identity.Given this aspiration,the successful planning proposal for Qian Hai cannot resortto convention,privileging buildings over landscape,or infrastructure over ecology.Rather the successful urban plan must outine a strategy that synthesizes thesesystems in order to create a robust and resilient urban matrix capable of continualadaptation,transformation and revision.This design proposal achieves this synthesis in a memorable,creative andrealizable way.The proposal breaks down the massive tepritory of the,site,intofive manageable development sub-districts though the introdoction of five WatstFingers that extend along the line of the oisting rivers and hnels cornect材NJ.Nthe adjacent city perpendicular to the water's edge.These Fingers hyoridze aninnovate hydrological infrastructure and an iconic public realm,serving to processand remediate on site water.while simultaneously expanding the amount ofdevelopment frontage and creating a series of public open spaces that structure andorganize the development of the overall Qian Hai territory.3The urban fabric within each development sub-district takes the scale of the typicalShenzhen block as a cue,but breaks it down further through the introductionof a tertiary network of roadways and open space corridors in order to promotepedestrian movement,avoid the isolation of the super-block format,and generate adiverse range of urban neighborhoods within each sub-district.The result is a hyper-dense,ecologically sensitive urban territory that offers aniconic waterfront,diverse building stock,cultural and recreational destinations,aswell as a series of one-of-a-kind public open spaces that are all easily accessiblefrom any point within Qlan Hal.羊長阅c2义空SNE1 n Ra Region