PROJECT INTRODUCTION项目简介城市左岸魅力新生城市的快速发展为杨浦区提供了企新的契机,我们的团队为畅浦区打造了一个拿新的世界圾水岸一城市左岸。焰立了城市与滨江之间的(系,是一个充活力的城市合型水岸,一个酒着杨浦的工业文化的的水岸黄浦江量上海城市生长的发源地,地孕育了上海的世世代代,然是水上交通的要塞,是盛市的应户,更是上海越市的际识祝和象征。顾应近年来世界上水岸空周城洁演精更斯思测,上海黄调江的溪水空间也面临了新的一轮城市演与更新,外莲的改透工程、徐汇派江开发、后滩公厦的设,正是黄漏江滨江转型与发展的见证。杨浦区是上海相市发展的是后的宝地,我们的烟队将为这块家地描愉出世界熹度的愿烟。这个的时代史机之下,杨清滨江南?是杨浦十王公里水岸孩江开发的亚要籍章,是综合域市功能的派水开放空同,主要城市功能包括最游爱光、体闲娱乐。务动:侧业声业购我了的队为充藕工历史的味的场地注入斯的活力和阀量,和江衡段长作5公里,一开设空可现设面充公顷。基地内有丰富的工业历史线。似括适帕业工厂,纺山工于、意库、及蒸础设施,正式百年工的搅地合避领中国工业发展是飞的发动机,代表着中国工出的毒牌时代。隔请未票的规中,场蛇历史裔议需书写,一个新的时代将丽生,城市产结构将从工业生产型产业,转变成以旅游、商业、社区生活,和侧意产业为主的都市服务型产量规证于杨漏的15.5公里黄满江岸线,被称为“中国近代工业文阴长意”,也雪被联合国教得文组织专家称为世界上仅存的工业纽帮。我们的团队为为场地打造了后工业时代的屏观,默漂着畅浦百年历史文化,在累予新的城市功能的网时,为场地注入精神灵魂一成为真正的城市左岸。The tremendous cMe opportunity presented by the proposed development of the Yangupu Distict watertront hes inpred our team to develop theconcept of City Whart:a vbrant mixod-use watertront that colebratos Yangpu's industrial hertage and roconnects the city to the waterShanghai has aliys hod a streng relationship to its river.The Hunngpu River sorves as the city's traneport network,its front door,its point of crientationand its cMc kdentty.Reconty there has beon a globel resurgence of urban waterfront development,as cities around the worid rediscover and recon-noct to ther waterfronts,Shanghal's rivertront has also undergone a romarkable transfommation in rocent yoars.In addition to the Bund,Shanghal'straditional center,a number ol key waterrort projects have been developed including the Comiche,the Cool Docks and the Shanghai Expo Park,whichheve transfomod the Huangpu RMor into a workd-class watortront opon spaco and ro-focusod the orontation of the city to the rivor.Yingpu's vsion for its riverfront is a mejor pert of an ambitious plan for the regeneration of the entire distict,and part of a wider of 15Klomotors of the dstrict's industrial waterfront Focusing on tourism,finance,creatve industres,oducation,high-toch rosoarch,and rocreation,thisMbrant futre-locking program wil regenerate this historc industrial site into a new cuttng-odge city on the waterThis 66-hectare,fve-kdometer kong site has a proud industrlal hertage,being the home of the frst factores in China focused on ship-bulding.textlejor transfomaton,creating new a mbed use commercial district fooused on tourism,retal mbed-use,community recreaton,franclal,and creativeBong a poet-industral waterfront,the site erjoys drect cornection to water alowing this vbrant mboed-use program to be lcated drectly at the water's理躓素前网ZC.ET