城市环境| URBAN CONTEXT02基地北依羊台山,南隔留仙大道与规划十号路相接。东临长岭皮水库,西侧为规划中的深圳大学新校区。校园占地19798公顷,总筑面积58万平方米,首期筑面积31.22万平方米。定位为高水平户South China University of science and (SCU)located lying on Mount Yan Tai innorth, connecting with LiuXan Avenue and tenthstreet in the south, ChanglingPi Reservoir in theeast and new campus of Sheng Zhen Universityin the west. The campus area is 197.98 hectaresas will as 58 ten thousand sq. m., the initialbuilding areas is 31.22 ten thousand sq.m. asan professional researching University, which isbased on the scale of 1. 5000 students with fivecolleges of science, engineering, administration素地网12SITE