WAUKEGAN REDEVELOPMENT AREA DESIGN GUIDELINESINTRODUCTION心6NE面This document was prepared by the City of WaukeganThe Design Guidelines identify the character,detailsto expand and clarify the concepts put forth in the 2003and maximum allowed development for all componentsWaukegan Lakefront-Downtown Master Plan.of the Master Plan.The Master Plan,the result of a nine-month process ofThis document is intended for use by both regulatingevaluation,design and public comment,was approvedagencies and private developers to achieve the goalsunanimously by the Waukegan City Council in Augustand objectives set forth in the Master Plan.When properlyof 2003.The Plan proposes the creation of three newimplemented,these Guidelines will create new districts,lakefront development districts,a fourth lakefront districtstreets and open spaces for Waukegan that will realizefeaturing a variety of open space amenities,and thethe long-term vision set forth by the citizens andrefinement of the Downtown district,all containing agovernment of Waukegan for their city.variety of land uses and building types.It also defines aseries of public investments in infrastructure,includingnew streets,public parks,and an enhanced lakefront.These elements combine to form an exciting new visionfor Waukegan,one that reconnects the downtown to LakeMichigan while stimulating significant new investmentin the city.2筑素衬网Z..ET WAUKEGAN REDEVELOPMENT AREA DESIGN GUIDELINESDESIGN GUIDELINES OVERVIEWOVERVIEW OF THE DESIGN GUIDELINESPURPOSE OF THE DESIGN GUIDELINESThe Design Guidelines support the key principlesThe purpose of the design guidelines is as follows:developed during the Master Plan process.Theseprinciples are:1.Define the overall design approach for districts andbuilding types.Emphasize mixed-use transit-oriented developmentThe four districts within the Master Plan.Downtown,Southin the Downtown and the HarborfrontLakefront,Harborfront,and North Harbor.have distinct andCreate strong pedestrian,transit,and roadwayshared characteristics.The Design Guidelines outline theconnections between Downtown and the Lakefrontsimilarities between districts,while articulating theProtect,restore,and enhance Waukegan's ravine anddistricts'unique elements.park systemRestore the Lakefront into a regional environmentalonfirm community goals for the design and quality ofand recreational assetnew development.Create a transportation framework that allows clearThese goals were outlined throughout an extensive public reviewaccess to the Lakefrontprocess that accompanied the development of the master plan.Encourage Harbor-related uses that complement anInput from local citizens and leaders was solicited and includedenvironmentally-based Lakefront.in the overall plan.The Guidelines outline specific regulations for the3.Establish clear rules for neighborhoods,blocks,lots.districts,building types,streets,and open spaces withinbuildings,streets,and open spaces.the Downtown and Lakefront area.These regulations areThe rules are developed as a means to guide development tofurther illustrated with the use of images that representproduce a harmonious built environment.They place prioritybest practices.The Guidelines are divided into fiveon the users of the neighborhood,whether they are residents,components:visitors,or workers.Development districts17CO 4.Provide clarity to private development interests about the·Building typesphysical and design framework within which they will beDevelopment densitiesrequired to work.Streets and open spaceAesthetic and programmatic development requirements areSustainable developmentarticulated so that developers have a clear understanding ofthe expectations for their workREQUIREMENTS OF DEVELOPERS5.Provide confidence to private development interestsWaukegan welcomes the contributions of the developmentthat neighboring properties will follow common standards.Common standards ensure that the integrity of acommunity in implementing its Master Plan.Developersneighborhood's character is maintained,securing propertymust comply with both the spirit and the letter of both thevalues and allowing the neighborhood to mature in aMaster Plan and the Design Guidelines.consistent manner.Exceptions to the Design Guidelines will be assessed on6.Provide a promotional tool for inclusion in requestsa case by case basis,but in all instances will be evaluatedfor proposal.against the principles and vision articulated in the MasterA clear and comprehensive plan helps to build interest andPlan.excitement,which encourages development.7.Unite the city in its evaluation of development proposals.The guidelines are a tool to measure the design intent ofdevelopment proposals,and to provide a common standardfor evaluation.Skidmore,Owings&Merrill LLP 3理筑素荷网Z.ZC.ET WAUKEGAN REDEVELOPMENT AREA DESIGN GUIDELINESDEVELOPMENT PROGRAMThe following tables show the allowable developmentfor each of the four districts of the Master Plan,and areintended to give an overview of the type,mix,and quantityof development.This program was developed throughan extensive process of economic evaluation of theopportunities presented in the Master Plan.It is presentedin greater detail in Chapter IV."Guidelines for DevelopmentDensities"DOWNTOWNHARBORFRONTResidentialResidentialHigh-density6 acres568 unitsHigh-density3 acres320 unitsMulti-family10 acres428 unitsMulti-family5 acres428 unitsSingle family attached4 acres60 unitsSingle family attached14 acres305 unitsSingle family detached1acre2 unitsSingle family detached400044++40。。。0。。44++0.0.4+TOTAL21 acres1,058 unitsTOTAL22 acres1,052 unitsAverage Density49 du/acreAverage Density46 du/acreOther DevelopmentOther DevelopmentRetail/Office典2 acres'rFr228,000sfRetail/Office6 acres117,600sfMarina Functionsbw2Marina FunctionsI acre20.000sfCivic/Sports5 acres100.000sfCivic/SportsNon-Accessory Parking**Non-Accessory Parking3 acres167.000sfTOTAL7 acres318,400sfTOTAL10 acres304,600sfSOUTH LAKEFRONTNORTH HARBORResidentialResidentialHigh-densityHigh-density。。=4+4+。。。。4Multi-family5 acres176 unitsMulti-family12 acres644 unitsSingle family attached15 acres234 unitsSingle family attached18 acres214 unitsSingle family detached29 acres336 unitsSingle family detached3 acres38 unitsTOTAL49 acres746 unitsTOTAL33 acres896 unitsAverage Density15 du/acreAverage Density27 du/acreOther DevelopmentOther DevelopmentRetail/Office1 acre38.400sfRetail/Office7 acres91,200sfMarina FunctionsMarina FunctionsCivic/SportsRANRRENERNNN如:Civic/Sports1 acre200,000sfNon.Accessory ParkingNon-Accessory Parking。。,。。。-。。。,。。。,TOTAL1 acre38.,400sfTOTAL8 acres291,200sfSkidmore,Owings&Merrill LLP 5理筑素荷网ZC.ET WAUKEGAN REDEVELOPMENT AREA DESIGN GUIDELINESWAUKEGAN'S CHARACTERIn developing both the Master Plan and the design guidelines,In the initial phase of downtown revitalization andcareful consideration was given to the existing conditions inlakefront development,these characteristics thatWaukegan's downtown and lakefront,including open spaces,set Waukegan apart should be enhanced.buildings and street character.DowntownWaukegan's character is eclectic,and reflects its position·A diverse mix of usesas an evolving Great Lakes city.Its architecture has been·Retailinfluenced by its roots as a Midwestern town,its proximity·Governmentto Chicago,and its growth throughout the 20th century.·EducationThe buildings,streets,signs and parks have a tremendous·Housingvariety of design styles,ranging from Victorian structuresto significant mid 20th century office buildingsHarbor and MarinaA strong sense of placeDowntown Waukegan's focus is Genesee Street,a pedestrian.·Active Marinafriendly,commercial stretch of cafes,offices and shops·Public WaterfrontAlong this street and throughout the area,significant·Harborfront diningarchitectural character is evident in the Waukegan Building,Pedestrian accessthe 1 S.Genesee Bank,and the Genesee Theater.Despitesome neglect over the years,the craft and care given to theseNeighborhoodsbuildings are evident today.As a result of their presence,·Variety of homesdowntown Waukegan has an architectural tradition onTree-lined,walkable streetswhich it can continue to build.Hedges articulated fencesToday the Illinois State Park Beach and other environmentalRetailareas enrich Waukegan and provide a connection to nature.Unique shops and storefrontsWaukegan's river,ravine systemn and parks contribute to aActive streetshigh-quality interconnected open-space system.Building CraftCool breezes and vast lake vistas give the harbor andFacade treatment of historic buildingsmarina a freshness and liveliness not often associated withSignage on historic buildingsa Midwestern town.From downtown the lake's presence isSpecial attention to street cornersfelt in views down streets and across parks.The Master Plan·Iconic retail signsacknowledges the importance of the lake.Opportunitiessuch as this define Waukegan,and should be preservedStreetsand strengthened.Variety of building typesViews to Lake MichiganMain street character of Genesee StreetParksConnection with neighborhoodsVariety,from urban park plazas to neighborhoodplaygroundsRavinesConnection with neighborhoods·Bridge views·Walking pathsLake PresenceViews from Downtown and Lakefront districtsBeach and Marina attractionSkidmore,Owings&Merrill LLP7理素前网Z..WET