www.bim.construction.comIntroductionho's using BIM,and where are they getting the real business value?These are thetwo questions we hear all the time.Like any innovation trying to gain traction,itsactual business benefits are what will make it successful.And their impact on users'bottom line is what will drive adoption.There are enough people now using BIMthat we can start to answer these questions.That is the purpose of this SmartMarket Report:The Business Value of BIM.By surveying thousands of AEC participants in North America from the full spectrum of roles anddisciplines we learned that:Almost 50%of the industry is now using BIM.All BIM users plan significant increases in their useNorbert W.Young Jr.The vast majority are experiencing real business benefits directly attributable to BIM.We asked nonadopters why they hadn't adopted BIM and what they will need to start.With userswe examined the many ways they are experiencing business value,from hard-nosed ROI calculationsto qualitative process improvements and enhanced project outcomes.In addition,there are six in-depth case studies showing how BIM is solving real problems onactual projects.We also have special features,including closer looks at BIM's role with greendesign,marketing,infrastructure and industrial projects.As we move ahead through uncertain times,the research clearly shows that BIM adoption willincrease,and we can expect new practitioners to build on the successes of earlier implementers,accelerating our industry's exciting transformation to a more productive digital project lifecycleenvironment.We want to thank the many busy professionals who responded to our surveys and ourStephen A.Jonessupportive partners who,by making this research possible,are tangibly expressing theircommitment to the improvement of the entire AEC industry.Norbert Young,FAIA,is a registered architect,with professional affiliations including The American Institute of Architectsand the Intemnational Alliance for Interoperability,where he served as Chairman of the IAI-NA Board of Directors and wasinstrumental in IAl's evolution into the buildingSMART Alliance at the National Institute of Building Sciences.A true leaderand innovator in his profession,Norbert is a strong advocate for the development and adoption of global standards for datato enable true interoperability in the design and construction industry.He is an active,recognized speaker nationally andintemationally,addressing such topics as "Interoperability and Its Impact on Our Industry,"and Current Trends in Interoper-ability."Norbert is a Fellow of The American Institute of Architects and in 2008 he was inducted into the National Academyof Construction.Steve Jones leads McGraw-Hill Construction's initiatives in Building Information Modeling.Interoperability and IntegratedProject Delivery as well as developing alliance relationships with major corporations for technology and content.Beforejoining McGraw-Hill,Steve was a vice president with Primavera Systems,the world's leading provider of project manage-ment software.Prior to that,Steve spent 19 years in a variety of design and management roles with architecture firms.MostHarvey M.Bernsteinrecently he was a principal and board of directors member with Burt Hill,one of the largest architectural/engineering firmsin the world.Steve holds an M.B.A.from Wharton and a B.A.from Johns Hopkins.Harvey M.Bernstein,F.ASCE,LEED AP,has been a leader in the engineering and construction industry for over30 years.He serves as Vice President of Industry Analytics,Alliances and Strategic Initiatives for McGraw-Hill Constructionwhere he has lead responsibility for MHC's research on thought leadership and green building initiatives.This includesresearch studies on future industry trends in areas such as interoperability,BIM,the global construction marketplace sustain-ability and innovation.He also is a visiting professor at the University of Reading (UK)School of Construction Managementand Engineering.Harvey has an M.B.A in Corporate Marketing from Loyola College,an M.S.in Engineering from PrincetonUniversity and a B.S.in Civil Engineering from the New Jersey Institute of Technology.John Gudgel currently serves as the Director of Industry Alliances.In this capacity,he is responsible for managingMcGraw-Hill Construction's relationships with both national and regional industry associations.He also produces and offersthought leadership on construction technology topics and has been the Editor-in-Chief of past SmartMarket Reports on BIM(2008)and Interoperability (2007).He has over 17 years of experience in technology project management in the computerand telecommunications industries.John has an M.S.in eCommerce from George Mason University,an M.S.in Telecommu-nications from the University of Colorado and a B.S.in Geological Engineering from the Colorado School of Mines.John E.Gudgel12理開弄南网ZZ心 www.bim.construction.comSmartMarket ReportExecutive SummaryDetailed Data -Click Here!Reaping Higher Returns During Lean TimesEven as the design and construction industry confronts a down economy,most BIM users are seeing positive payback fromtheir use of the technology,according to McGraw-Hill Construction research.Users gain bankable benefits that enhanceproductivity,improve their ability to integrate teams and give them an edge on the competition.The value from BIM growsas users gain experience,offering them an opportunity to reap greater returns even during an economic recession.Key FindingsTwo-thirds of BIM users say they see positive ROl on their overall investment in BIM.87%of expert users are experiencing positive ROI with BIM.93%of BIM users believe there is potential to gain more value from BIM in the future.Better Than Expected ValueCompetitive AdvantageImproved ProductivityReturn on investment can be calcu-BIM is seen as a way to get a leg upBIM creates efficiencies.Users realizelated in various ways,but those whoon the competition.This is particularlysome of the greatest value of BIMtake a data-driven approach see moretrue among less experienced usersthrough its potential to cut down onupside to BIM.Users who formallywho are promoting a new service.rework,such as rekeying informationmeasure their ROl report better re-Marketing new business to newinto models or making changes in theturns than those who estimate ROlr音7clients is the top rated businessfield.As users become more proficient,benefitof BIM.the opportunities to improve productiv-Seven in ten BIM users whoHalf of users say offering newity are more pronounced.measure ROl see positive returns,services with BIM is a significantReducing rework is the highest-compared to half of those who onlybusiness benefit.rated business benefit amonggo by their perception of value.Two-thirds of users say BIM's abilityexperts.Four in five experts sayOne in five BIM users who meas-to help a company maintain repeatit brings high to very high value,ure ROI see returns greater thanbusiness with past clients bringscompared to 23%of beginners.50%-double the perceived value.at least a moderate level of value.The potential of BIM to improveproductivity is ranked by architectsPerceived ROI Versus Formally Measured ROIas the top way to improve their returnon investment in the technology.1006%Reduced conflicts and changes3咖9%0ver100%during construction are among10%10%the top rated ways engineers say8050-100%BIM adds value to a project.17%13%Clash detection and avoiding25-50%rework are the top rated ways own-6017%25%ers say BIM saves time and money.10-25%4021%15%Less than 10%BIM DefinedFor purposes of this report,McGraw-20149%Break evenHill Construction defines BIM as:Theprocess of creating and using digi-26%14%Negativetal models for design,constructionand/or operations of projects.Do Not MeasureMeasureSaurce:MoGraw-H Consucton 20094Provide feeback on Business of BIMSmartMarket Report-Click Here!素村网Z.Z沁 www.bim.construction.comInvesting in the TeamOwner DemandUsers recognize that BIM brings buildGrowth in BIM UseOwners see that BIM creates value.teams together.Whether they aim to70%report positive ROI from BIM.seamlessly exchange project data orcommunicate ideas more effectively,BIMAll RespondentsLower project cost is among the top2009rated ways users expect BIM to bringadds additional value when used to inte-high value.grate project processes.Likewise,obsta-2007cles that affect teamwork rank among the48%Half of owners say overall better28%greatest challenges faced by users.construction project outcomes isa significant benefit of BIM.Better multiparty communicationoure:MGraw-Constructon.2007.2009The AEC community looks to clientsand understanding from 3D visual-ization is the BIM benefit rated mostwhen deciding to use BIM:likely to improve ROI.80%of usersRapid AdoptionNot enough demand from clientsgive it high to very high importance.BIM has quickly gained momentumis the top rated reason non-usersthat is expected to continue in thehave not adopted it.Improved project process out-comes,such as fewer RFIs andcoming years.Seven in ten non-users say ownersfield coordination problems,is theHalf of the industry is using BIM ordemanding BIM use on projectsBIM-related tools today.This repre-would significantly impact their deci-second-highest rated way to improvesion to adopt BIM.value with BIM.Communication of proj-sents a 75%increase in usage inect data is critical to meeting this goal.the last two years.The number of BIM-knowledge-42%of users are at an expert orRecommendationsable companies on a project is aadvanced level-three times theBeginners:Value is on the hori-top rated factor affecting value on aamount reported in 2007.project.Three in four users see thisaf of contraclors report using BIMzon.New users see limited valueas highly to very highly important.initially but additional opportunitiesor BIM-related tools-four timesmaterialize with experiencePresentation and visualization ofthe level reported two years ago.Non-Users:Don't delay yourarchitectural design is the top taskTwo-thirds of experts use it on moredecision.BIM users are seeingthat benefits owners during a project.than 60%of their projects today.positive returns today and expectOwners also say improved collectiveOne-third of all users utilize BIM onthose benefits to grow over time.understanding of design intent is the60%or more projects today,butDelaying adoption will leave youtop way that projects can gain value.twice as many expect to be usingfarther behind.Obstaclesit at that level in two years.Owners:Take charge.A large ma-Improved interoperability be-42%of non-users believe that BIMjority of owners recognize that BIMtween software applications is thewill be highly or very highly impor-is valuable,and AEC companies sayclient demand is a top motivatingtop industry improvement that will in-tant to the industry in five years.factor in the decision to use BIM.Ifcrease BIM value.Nearly half of non-users haven'tyou demand its use,firms will follow.Seventy percent of users say moretried BIM,but are open to explor-Software companies:Speedclearly defined BIM deliverablesing its potential value.delivery of solutions.Users havebetween parties is highly to very highlyquickly gained experience andimportant to increasing the value of BIM.become acutely aware of softwareinteroperability and functionalityImportance of BIMFewer Legal Issueslimitations.Tools need to keepin 5 Yearspace with rising demand.In past studies,users raised concernsabout legal issues,such as liability in anAll users:Don't hold back.TheVery high importance11%environment of open data exchange.As thegut reaction in a down economy isHigh importance31%to cut back.BIM is a tool that helpslegal framework for working in BIM has developed,those concems appear to be fading.Moderate importance39%experienced users find value.Con-Low importance16%tinue to invest today or else you mayTwo-thirds of non-users say concernsfind yourself behind the competitionabout liability have little to no im-No importance3%when market conditions improve.pact on their consideration of BIM.re:McGraw-H 2009Provide feeback on Business of BIM5SmartMarket Report-Click Here莲素村网Z..WET www.bim.construction.comOverall Value of BIMDetailed Data-Click Here!Overview:The Value Proposition of BIMBIM Reaps ReturnsFor champions of building information modeling,the value proposition is clear.BIM is paying off for a solid majority ofThe vast majority of users report seeing positive returns on their investmentusers-particularly the most experiencedin BIM.For the time and expense put into making BIM part of their practice,usersones.Whether it's through budget itemsgain a range of benefits that could include improved productivity,enhancedthat can be tracked or less tangiblequality,increased opportunities for new business and overall better projectbenefits,BIM users largely believe thatoutcomes.The more benefits a user reaps,the higher the perceived value.they are experiencing a positive returnThe benefits gained from BIM are greater than many users believe.Those whoon investment.Nearly two-thirds(63%)formally measure ROl on BIM report higher returns than those who estimate returnsof BIM users say they see positiveROl on their overall investment inbased on perception.BIM,with 15%reporting an ROI ofWith experience,users can see more value.Experts prove that,as users gain50%or more.Another 20 percentproficiency,they will find ways to leverage the technology to their benefit.Given thatbelieve they are breaking even.BIM is still an emerging process,this trend should gain momentum as more usersmaster it and software providers develop additional tools.Experience Yields Results63%of BIM users say they see positive ROI on their overall investment in BIM.Users report that they realize significantlybetter ROl as they gain experience with72%of users who formally measure their ROl on BIM report positivethe technology.Eighty-seven percentreturns,compared to 53%of users who estimate returns based on perception.of expert users see positive ROl with87%of expert users see positive ROLwith BIM-compared to 38%of beginners.BIM compared to 38%of beginners.93%of BIM users believe that,compared to today,there is potential to gain moreOThe progression is a steady one.Many ofvalue from BIM in the future.today's beginners can expect to see bet-ter results over time as they deepen theirknowledge and use of the technology.Perceived ROI by Experience LevelROI Exceeds EstimatesThe ROI for BIM is higher than many4%users think.Users who formally2%3%1measure their ROI on BIM using1003%project data report higher returns10%39%0ver100%10%20%than those who estimate returns11%10%based on perceived outcomes.Half8050-100%19%of those who do not formally track ROI18%17%19%(53%)perceive that they garner positive25-50%results,while three-quarters of those60who do measure ROI(72%)report posi-21%16%tive returns.BIM is shown to provide a29%30610-25%broad range of opportunities to realize40value,and those who formally measure259%23%Less than 10%it may see a more complete picture12%regarding returns.33%9%Break even13%One in five users who formally19%8%measure ROl see returns above8%5%Negative50%,twice the rate of those who doBeginnerModerate AdvancedExpertnot measure it9%of users who formally meas-ure ROl see returns above 100%3a加e:哈aW-Canstruct0n200compared to 6%of those who donot measure it.Provide feeback on Business of BIMSmartMarket Report-Click Here理素荷网Z..ET www.bim.construction.comUser DifferencesKey FindingsContractors see the highestMost users see positive ROI in BIM.ROl,with seven out of ten(71%)Returns improve with experience.reporting positive results.Owners and contractors see the highest returns on BIM.Contractors are likely to see moretangible benefits,such as savingsNearly all users believe there are greater future opportunities to gainrealized through clash detection.value from BIM.Because BIM was initially devel-Top rated areas of BIM investment:1)software,2)developing internaloped with a focus on designers,collaborative BIM procedures,3)marketing a firm's BIM capability,contractors as a group are relatively4)BIM training,5)new/upgraded hardwarenew to the technology and its ex-Editor's note:Return on investment figures from survey results reflect respondents'panding range of tools.The fact thatperceived ROl and are not the result of a prescribed approach to calculation.so many contractors see positive re-sults today suggests that additionalvalue could be realized in the futurePerceived ROl on Overall Investment in BIMas they gain more experience.Owners are as likely as contrac-tors to see a high ROl with sevenArchitectEngineerout of ten(70%)reporting posi-tive results.As the ultimate client,owners realize the combined bene-5%4%fits from all team members that ex-7%警J?Sperience positive ROl.The fact14%that a large majority of owners be-lieve BIM yields positive results19%11%bodes well for expansion of BIM13%22%use in the coming years.Team mem-23%22%bers say client demand is the19%32%primary driver for adoption of BIM.If owners ask for it,team memberswill follow.Around six in 10 architects(58%)using BIM see positive ROI.AsContractorOwnerdesigners,they experience less ofthe direct cost savings seen in thefield and realize many intangible10%11%benefits such as improved coordina-8%2%tion of drawings and documents.11%7%Less than one half of engineers27%34%(46%)experience positive ROIwhen using BIM.One-third of users17%16%say they see negative ROl.Engineers16%25%say they are less likely to see savings13%5%in time and costs from BIM than otherteam members.These views can dif-fer by discipline (see Player Valuechapter).Many engineers also report0ver100%50-100%25-50%10-25%that BIM does not have sufficientfunctionality for their practice.Expan-Less than 10%Break evenNegativesion of the technology offerings forengineers could help improve theirure:McG-H Cauction 2003outlook on its value in the future.Provide feeback on Business of BIM7SmartMarket Report-Click Here興尚理筑Z.ZC.ET www.bim.construction.comQuantifying ResultsWhere Users InvestIn order to better understand the potential of BIM,many users have made formallyGaining BIM capabilities and expertisemeasuring ROI a part of their internal processes.Tracking ROl on BIM projects can berequires investments in a broad range ofa tricky proposition.Although possible,(see Research 2 Case Study)the numer-products and processes.These areas ofous variables and unique aspects of every project typically make it a challengeinvestment change over time,asto compare results of one BIM project to a similar completed project wheresome initial investments take a back-BIM wasn't used.Users often need to gather a wide range of data from variousseat to ones that will deepen a user'ssources and have a sufficient library of data on similar projects that can be used forBIM competency.Contractors are thecomparison.As more industry-standard metrics are developed,the ability to track ROImost likely to see a need to focus oncould improve in the coming years.nearly all areas of investment,today andLevel of Measurementfive years from now.Owners report littleneed to focus on BIM investments today,Half(54%)of BIM users formally measure ROI on BIM.Few users(13%)but see rising demand within five years.measure it on a majority of BIM projects.This reflects the challenge posed whenusers search for measurable and comparable data.Architects are most likely to for-Areas of BIM Investmentmally measure ROl.Engineers are least likely to measure it.Although experiencedBIM software.Software is the toolusers are far more likely to measure ROl-with at least two-thirds doing so comparedthat drives building information model-to 40%of beginners-even these experts are not currently tracking it on more thaning.Architects and contractors lead30%of their projects.the way,with half focusing on softwareExperienceinvestment.As software is an initialMeasuring ROl on BIM is an emerging skill.The majority(77%)of those formallycost of entry to BIM,beginners rankmeasuring ROI on BIM have been doing so for two years or less.Logically,it as their highest-priority investment,those with more experience have been tracking it longer,with nearly half of expertswhile experienced users rank it lower.saying they have measured ROI for more than two years.A large percentage of expert users(68%)say software is a primary focus,Future Outlookbut more as a continuing investment.Many who do not formally track ROI are open to doing so in the future.Two-thirds ofHalf of all users expect software to be athem say they probably will in the future(39%)or haven't decided if they will (27%).priority investment in five years,but lessThose with more expertise with BIM are most likely to indicate that they willof a focus compared to other options.probably never measure their ROl if they have not been doing so thus far.Developing internal collaborativeThese users have made the decision to pursue BIM and don't need more definitiveBIM procedures.Creating a collab-proof of its value.orative BIM environment is always apriority.Half of architects and con-Percentage of Projects on Which BIM ROI Is Measuredtractors focus on investing in theseprocedures today,and at least half ofall users say the development ofAll Respondentsthese procedures will be a significantfocus in five years.This is a top ratedpriority for the most experienced users.7%but less for more recent entrants.6%75-100%Marketing your BIM capability.7%50-75%As an emerging technology,BIM isgenerating a buzz.Many firms(43%)focus on investing in efforts to make46%25-50%sure clients are aware of their BIMcapabilities.A large majority(69%)34%Less than 25%of experts are eager to marketthemselves as such,while fewNonebeginners(18%)are ready to pro-mote their BIM readiness.In fiveyears,all users expect marketing tource:MaH Cansructon 2009be the highest-priority investment,including today's beginners.8 Provide feeback on Business of BIMSmartMarket Report-Click Here泰村网Z.Z沁 www.bim.construction.comValue on the HorizonBIM training.Training is a criticalinvestment,particularly for newA majority of BIM users say they see value in BIM today,but the full potential ofusers.Less experienced users rankits benefits has yet to be realized.Very few BIM users say they are gettingtraining among their highest priori-everything out of BIM that they believe it can provide.ties,while it is comparatively lessMost of the remaining users are evenly split between those saying they areimportant for advanced users.Ingetting a great deal of value out of BIM but believe there is more to be gainedfive years,training will be a strong(45%)and those who believe they are just scratching the surface of what BIMfocus for half of all users,but acan provide to them (48%).lower priority than other invest-Experience weighs heavily in users'accounting of the business value of BIM.ments.Two-thirds of contractorsEighty-eight percent of experts believe they are either getting everythingexpect it to be a strong focus,whileout of BIM that they can,or that they are getting a lot of value comparedless than half of other users seeto only 9%of beginners.that in their own practices.New/upgraded hardware.SomeUser Differencesusers (37%)focus on addressingA majority of contractors (52%)already see value in BIM and believehardware issues,but it is less of amore can be gained.They are the most likely group to believe this.priority than other possible investmentAlthough seven in ten owners say they are experiencing positive ROI today,areas.All users believe this will bea majority of them(61%)believe they are just scratching the surface whentrue in the coming years as well.considering the value of BIM.They are the most likely group to believe this.Developing collaborative BIMSix in ten architects report seeing positive ROl on BIM.A third of thoseprocesses with external parties.claim returns in the 10-25%range,and half claim greater than 25%.OnlyEstablishing a collaborative environ-2%feel they are currently experiencing its maximum value.ment among team members is by farthe highest-priority investment forEngineers are the most pessimistic about the value of BIM,with 12%owners today.As many owners looksaying they see no meaningful value from it.Around three in five engineersto other team members to generatesay they are just scratching the surface when considering the value ofBIM content,they are acutely inter-BIM.In part,this represents the struggle of engineers to find sufficientested in the ability to work with thatBIM content or functionality of software for their purposes.As softwaredata.It also reflects owners'desiredevelopment catches up with demand,this attitude would likely change.for teamwork.Experts also rankthis among their top priorities,show-ing that they have moved beyondLevel of Business Value of BIMdevelopment of basic internalprocesses and now are looking tointegrate with others.All users sayAll RespondentsWe're getting everythingcollaboration with other team mem-out of BIM that we believebers will be among their highest-pri-3%4%it can provide usority investments in five years.Software customization/interop-We're getting a lot of valueerability solutions.When softwarefrom BIM but believe thereis more to be gainedprograms or platforms are incompat-ible,productivity in the BIM world45%can suffer.However,few users say48%We're just scratchingthey are making significant invest-the surface of how muchments toward solving such issues.value BIM can provide usDeveloping custom 3D libraries.Investment in developing customWe're getting no3D libraries is most important tomeaningful valuethe design community,but evenfrom BIMthose players rank it among their3:cGrawH借Construction200图lowest priorities.Provide feeback on Business of BIM9SmartMarket Report-Click Here理筑素前网Z..EI www.bim.construction.comCase Study:Research 2In building the $201 million Research 2project for the University of Colorado-Denver Health Sciences CenterMortenson Construction of Minneapolisended up developing a research projectof its own.The 11-story 540,000square-feet biomedical facility was afollow-up to the similar 650,000square-feet Research 1 tower built by adifferent contractor on an adjacent siteat the UCDHAnschutz MedicalCampus in Aurora,Colorado.The R2project,as it came to be known,pre-sented Mortenson with a rare opportu-nity to compare its performanceagainst data from R1.The exercise en-abled Mortenson to quantify the poten-tial upsides of BIM and expose thechallenges of finding usable perform-ance metrics.When Mortenson wassin 2003,the company had employed vir-tual design and construction on severalprojects,but lacked hard performancedata.Despite this,the company believedit could deliver benefits on complexprojects,says Derek Cunz,director ofResearch 2,Aurora,Coloradoproject development at Mortenson.Owner Involvementracy of the designers'model for con-"We knew going into this job that R1had problems dealing with the veryThe owner's team was also asked forstructibility issues and then took own-ership of the model when constructioncomplex mechanical systems and mak-early input.The design called for multi-documents were complete.ing things fit,"he recalls."R2 would beple complex systems to be packed intojust as complex and we knew we couldtight spaces.Instead of focusing onlyAlthough significant planning and veri-do better with BIM."on construction coordination issues,fication took place up front,the teamthe team brought in owner representa-started to see significant time savingsIn order to better leverage the benefitsof the technology,Mortenson pursuedtives to ensure that the project wouldonce the construction model tookalso be maintenance-friendly uponshape.The structural engineers,Martinan integrated approach,engaging earlywith the design team,led by Denver-completion.Martin Engineers of Lakewood,Col-based Fentress Architects.The designBIM was used throughout mostorado,were able to transfer the 3Dstructural-steel design model to theteam,which also designed R1,hadphases of the project,ranging fromsteel subcontractor,LPR Constructionnever included a general contractor inwork planning for concrete placementearly virtual coordination before.Theto 3D MEP coordination to assemblyof Loveland,Colorado.LPR thenturned around 3D shop drawings forteam worked together on a nearly two-instruction modelsreview in one package.The structuralyear design and preconstructionSince integrated virtual design andengineers,who had never received aprocess to fine-tune how data would beconstruction (VDC)was not in the R2single submittal all at once before,shared,how subcontractors would becontract and the approach was new towere able to speed through review andprocured,and how the models wouldthe designers,the team had to addressapprove it for fabrication.This con-be used all the way through the project.model ownership issues for liabilitytributed to the structural steel beingreasons.Mortenson verified the accu-erected six weeks ahead of schedule10|Provide feeback on Business of BIMSmartMarket Report-Click Here理泰荷网ZC.ET