可ZS心La cubierta es completamente verde y esta atravesada por caminos que siguen su perfil,que conectan el interior con el exterior y ofrecen vistas de la totalidad del parque.The roof is completely green and covered in walkways that follow the roof line,connecting the indoor and outdoor space and offering views of the whole park.La traza curva de la cubierta parece fruto del azar,perode hechoes un caparazonde forma irregular que tiene com punto de partida dinmico unatn analitica morfoAt first glance the form of the curved roof appears random,but in fact it is a free-form shell structure with a strict dynamic basis in 'morphological analytic tech-icaLaformariginamenteda fuebjetodeanlisisysmconsporordendobjetivo de minimizar la tensinealabeoyadeformacionparaaannique'.The form originally conceived was subjected to minute-by-minute computer simulation and analysis to minimize stress,warping,and deformation in orderzar una configuracion estructuralmente mas solida.Permitiendo en este proceso el constraste frecuente entre la construccion y el diseno estructural,creamos una cubiertato evolve the most structurally sound form.By allowing for feedback multiple times in this process between the building and the structural design,we created ade GRCde400 mm de espesor yforma irregular que aanza190 metros de longitud y150 metros de anchura.Ahora han pasado varios anos desde que se completoelpro400mm thick RC free-form structure gently covering surfaces reaching 190m in length and as much as 150m wide.Several years have passed since the projectyecto,y el Grin Grin aparece cubierto por una vegetacion densa que crea un impresionante entorno en armonia con el paisaje previsto en el planteamiento original del parquewas completed and now Grin Grin is covered with rich vegetation,creating a stunning setting as it blends with the landscape as intended in the original plan.莲素阀又.ZS心.NE可