1. 基地周边环境
2. 对于项目和基地的分析:主要矛盾和构思依据
? 建筑使用功能和形象的矛盾,由于市场的需要,该项目的大部分使用功能被定性为“商务住宅”。如果用传统的手法来处理其形式,将无法满足“国际市长大厦”这一“标签”所暗示的纪念性和公共性形象;
? 基地的形状对住宅朝向的不利限制。该地块为南北向长,东西向窄,对于住宅的南北向布局十分不利,并限制了最有利的向海景观;
? 相对复杂的使用功能和局促用地的矛盾,在建筑用地仅有2000平方米左右的地块上需要兼顾和满足住宅、酒店、办公、活动等不同使用功能要求;
? 市长大厦的东、西、南、北四个立面均成为重要展示面。
3. 解决矛盾的对策——设计构思
? 平面布局:在传统的住宅布局基础上,我们改良和发展了一种较为新颖的平面组合形式,它由四条“板”楼呈一定倾斜角错动组成。这样的平面为住宅和酒店争取了最大限度的面宽并有效地控制了进深。同时,由于在平面布局与东西向轴线之间偏转了一定角度,巧妙地避免了东西角的不利朝向,得到最有利的对海,对世界之窗以及对沙河高尔夫的景观。同时由于这种错动和扭转,使得建筑对深南路的主立面变成更加丰富和生动。
? 功能分配:建筑裙房部分为商业、接待及住宅大堂、办公和活动室。其中商业、住宅和酒店有首层直接的出入口。塔楼的五至八层为酒店式接待用房。以上为商务住宅。两部分流线完全分离,互不干扰。商务住宅户户有良好的景观朝向,所有厨房卫生间均有自然通风、采光。住宅上部分复式户型,并在顶层由北向南退后,形成朝南向的望海屋顶花园。酒店部分由一组电梯作垂直交通服务,商务住宅部分则有两个核心筒分组服务,平面紧凑,流线简洁有效,走道和消防楼梯都有自然采光通风,以达到经济、节能和生态的目的。
? 建筑造型:如前所述,由于“国际市长大厦”这命题所暗示的纪念性和公共性,以及它所肩负的接待国际国内市长开会交流的特殊功能,它的建筑形象必须比一般的住宅建筑有更强有力的可读性和整体性。在建筑外立面,运用了富有塑性的折面弧形“墙”和平面逻辑相对应,两侧各有四片,以重复的手法达到丰富视觉效果,造成“一气呵成”的气势,成为标志性的独特建筑语言,裙房可以看作了这几片弧形体的基座,强调了水平方向的走势,与塔楼的“垂直”趋向形成强烈的对比。从远处看,就象几片充满张力的弧面漂浮在简洁的基座上, 凝固在向着深南路和海岸线冲去的一瞬间,以雕塑感的体量表达自己的个性。
? 建筑自发的象征意义:
项目规模:用地5000.2m2 / 建筑面积 41502 m2
建筑师: 冯越强 / Frédéric EDME
Analysis of the site setting:
The international major tower is located to the west of OCT, on the south side of ShenNan Road, next to the “Future Age” on the east, as well as Shahe golf link on the west, Baishizhou primary school on the south. According to the present situation as well as the future planning, this 25-floor high building will be the landmark of this area among the relatively lower surroundings.
Primary problems and concept accordance:
After a careful procedure of analysis to the site and the program, there are several problems determined to be solved in this project:
? The contradiction of the function of the building and the image of it, in case the building is mainly functioned as a commercial-housing, it won’t match the label of “International mayor tower” which is supposed to be symbolic and monumental if the external form is treated in the regular way;
? The site’s disadvantage to the orientation of the housing, the site is longer in south-north axis, therefore it is a negative effect to the orientation of the housing which is supposed to be better to facing south in Shenzhen;
? The contradiction of relatively complex function and limited construction site, a complex building consists of housing, hotel, office as well as commercial is to be compacted together in one single building on a relatively small site of 2000 m2;
? As the only high-rise in this area, all of the four facades are important to the city landscape;
Solution to the problems and design concept:
? General layout: In the base of the traditional housing plan, we’ve developed and improved
A relatively new housing type that is consists of four twisted slabs. Such a creative type provided vast external facade while the depth is efficiently controlled. The angle made between the building and the east-west axis has avoided negative orientation smartly, while views to the sea, the window of the world and the golf link is obtained.
? Function arrangement: The podium houses the commercial , lobby, offices as well as
Activity rooms, there are direct entrance to the commerce, housing and hotel in the first floor, from 5th floor to 8th floor are hotel rooms, above are commercial housing. These two parts are totally divided, all units of the housing have good view and orientation, and there are roof gardens on the stepped terrace on the top of the building. The hotel is serviced by one set of 3 lifts, while there are two core work for the housing which made the circulation very compact and efficient natural ventilation is provided for the core .
? Architecture style: Due to the underlying monumentality and symbolism of the title of
“international mayor tower”, its particular function to receive the to converge and communicate, the image of the building should be strongly legible and more generous , four plastic sinuous wall are employed on both sides of the building, these repetitive walls create a rich visual effect, responding to the logic of the plan, also establishing a unique architecture
? Initial symbolism of architecture:
A fresh image towards new century is due to expressed, it should be dynamic, aggressive, and initiative, Although the design process is rational and scientific, the unique form can hint some other image and shape. For example, the sinuous walls can be linked to shapes like sails or shells, which is a metaphor of the aggressive spirit of the new administration.
Type of Project : Competition , Februery, 2001
Name of Project : Shenzhen International Mayor Tower Design
Location : Shennan Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, China
Design Phase : Architecture Conception Design
Project Scale : Site Area - 5000.2m2 / Gloss Floor Area : 41502 m2
Architect : Feng Yue Qiang / Frédéric EDME
Chief Designers : Hubing / Dulin
Project Manager : Hubing
Design Team : Hubing / Dulin / Qinliangyu
Client : Shenzhen Tianfang Real Estate Co.
Shenzhen Jincheng Real Estate Co.