土耳其.伊斯坦布尔佐鲁生态城(Zorlu Ecocity)
佐鲁生态城是一个混合功能型开发项目,坐落于土耳其首都伊斯坦布尔市布郁克迭热大街南端,是由马来西亚著名建筑师杨经文(Ken Yeang)设计的。
This city within a city will also accommodate six thousand cars in a seven-story deep basement. But, as I look at the renderings and ponder the concept, I think the idea is that people won't need their cars anymore. Plus, I'm guessing there will be a link with mass transportation to make car use an aberration, as opposed to the norm.
The city has undeniable appeal with all the greenery and open space. It seems so peaceful. Ken Yeang, director of Llewelyn Davies Yeang and known expert on bioclimatic skyscraper design, will be speaking about this project at the Ecocity World Summit in April.*
Mass transportation facilities will be readily made available at Zorlu Ecocity, so that people would not really feel the need of their own cars. In fact, the concept and plan of this ‘green’ city seems to suggest that, private cars would indeed become an exception on the roads.
The director of Llewelyn Davies Yeang and noted bioclimatic skyscraper design expert,Ken Yeang, will speak on the Zorlu Ecocity project at the Ecocity World Summit, to be held on 24-26 April, at San Francisco,California. The conference is expected to throw some more light on this truly innovative project. Zorlu Ecocity, with its eco-friendly nature, unique planning, and abundance of greenery and open space, surely has the potential to become a nice, peaceful and attractive ‘city within a city’ in future.