Registration Form for Shenzhen Bay “Super City” International Competition
Form 1 (Applicable to Design Entities or Groups)
| 公司注册名称 Company Name
| 公司详细资料 Company Details
| 国家或地区 Country or Region
| 法定代表人 Legal Representative
| 常驻地址 Permanent Address
| 网址 Website
| 本项目联系人Contact Person for this Project
| 姓名 Name
| 头衔和职务 Title and Position
| 电话 Telephone No.
| 传真 Fax No.
| 电子邮箱 Email
| 通信地址及邮政编码Address and Post Code
| 本项目中拟出任的主要设计人员Key designer of this project
| 姓名 Name
| 学历、学位及专业特长 Diploma, Degree and Professional Expertise
| 详细任职历史Resume
| 设计经验 Design Experience
| 项目名称 Project Name
| 项目规模、特点及性质 Scale and main features of the project
| 项目名称 Project Name
| 项目规模、特点及性质 Scale and main features of the project
| 项目名称 Project Name
| 项目规模、特点及性质 Scale and main features of the project
| 拟在本项目中承担的职责及任务 Responsibilities and position in the project
附:设计联合体协议书 (适用于联合体报名)
Joint Design Group Agreement (Applicable to Design Groups)
The joint design group hereby declares that: we are to participate in “Shenzhen Bay Super City International Contest” on a voluntary basis. All members in the group consent to reach an agreement on relevant issues, and the terms and conditions are as follows (including but not limited to):
The joint design group has authorized the joint design group representative to collect relevant information on work performance of each member in the joint design group and submit to the sponsor. Work performance information submitted by the joint design group representative is authentic and true situations of the members.
The joint design group representative is responsible for the work in the competition. The representative legally represents the members to submit and sign the competition documents. All commitments made by the representative in the competition legally represent all the group members.
After the joint design group wins the competition, the group members sign the contract together with the sponsor, and abide by the practical implementation of all contract documents. The signed agreement shall be legally binding to each member of the joint design group.
After the joint design group wins the competition, the representative legally represents the members to submit and receive relevant data, information and instruction, and handle all related issues.
The group members should work together and coordinate with each other closely during the collaboration for the project with due diligence. Both parties should efficiently complete the work in good quality and fully take due responsibility.
2 本协议书自签署之日起生效,本协议书一式 份,送交主办方一份,设计联合体成员各一份。
This Agreement shall take effect from the date of signature. This agreement has ____ duplicates, and with one sent to the sponsor and one for each member of the joint design group to keep.
Leader of the joint design group (Stamp)
Legal or Authorized Representative (Signature)
Member of the joint design group (Stamp)
Legal or Authorized Representative (Signature)
(可增加)(additional list)
Form 2 (Applicable to Individual)
姓名 Name
工作单位及职务 Company and Position
工作经验 Design Experience
有效身份证件号码 Valid ID NO.
电话 Telephone No.
传真 Fax No.
电子邮箱 Email
通信地址及邮政编码Address and Post Code
表三:承诺 (设计机构/联合体/个人均需填写)
Form 3 Agreement (Applicable to All Competitors)
本公司/联合体/个人承诺所填一切内容属实,并同时在此授权本次竞赛主办方在其认为适当的时间和场合公开、使用有关信息。 Our company/design group/Individual is committed to the authenticity of all the contents above, and we authorize the organizer to publicize relevant information in proper time and situation.
填表人姓名 : Form Filled by ______________ 公司法人代表(参赛公司填写) : Company Legal Representative ______________ 日期 : Date ______________
| 签字或公章: Sign or Stamp 备注:单一公司参赛者请加盖公司公章;联合体参赛者请加盖联合体所有成员单位公章;个人参赛者请签署本人名字。 Memo: Please stamp with your company seal if you are the applicant of an individual company; Please stamp with every single company’s seal if you are the applicant of a joint design group; |