01AIR OPSA RETROACTIVE PLATFORM FOR ENERGY EXCHANGEMasters Thesis with DistinctionAdvisor:Eric HowelerFall 2012Just a few months ago.Hurricane Sandy tore a path of destruction through the North East.Insome ways,it was an event that revealed the fragile nature of the city's electrical and mechanicalinfrastructures.It raises the question:how can we create a certain level of individualenergy autonomy,while simultaneously increasing the robustness of our existing energyinfrastructure?One possbility is to look at the potential of an infastructure that operatesbetween the scale of the parcel and the scale of the city-a local,block scale system that canretroactively integrate with multiple existing buildings.Air Ops is a proposal that speculates on the possibility of such an infrastructure,and thenecessary framework required to realize such an ambitious endeavor.A careful investigationinto-and subsequent re-imagining of-the NYC zoning codes becomes the critical method thatenables a systemic transformation of the intertwined value between zoning and energy-use in apost-Hurricane Sandy Manhattan.The most fundamental idea of the project hinges on the notion that zoning has been,andremains,one of the most potent elements in shaping the future course of the city,and in orderfor architecture to tackle the problem of energy at the scale of the city.especially as a responseto the increasing volatility of the climate,it must bring topics of sourcing and using energy intoactive dialogue with zoning,real estate,and the public realm.Z.ZC.ET