环境可持续设计计分牌ESD体育馆的环境设计中兼频了以下的方面体育场将设置四块计分牌,计分牌能播放彩色issues to the ervironmental approach fo相和文字信息。每块计分牌的尺寸为3x4米, the Gymnasium are最小能源消耗如果是篮球比赛,计分牌悬挂在离地12米处, ENERGY MINIMIZATIONlotal Egress for the maximum number of体育馆只在观众席和比赛场地采用微气候空气调如果比赛需要更多的空间,计分牌可悬挂在离地spectators in the Gymnasium will be achievedThe Gymnasium incorporates micro-climatic达最佳效率,高能效的薇璃安装和绝缘墙面系统可最大限度地减少能量传道,地面和内墙可储存音响设计ScoREBOARD设备将音控制在最小的传出量,混响也将保持mefficiency, DouThe Gymnasium includes a 4 sided scoreboard使用循环利用和重复利用材料平上。屋面设多层大块吸音层和厢材料的运用将选择可循环使用或重复利用的材料减少噪音使得音乐会这样的活动所 transfer Mass of the floors and internal walls是到控制并减少60-708,西不至于 wall store energytres high by 4 metres long. It is suspend钢筋,玻璃和混凝土都可重复使用:混凝土可同时,外部的象下或者飞机通塑料座榜可重复利用,木结过时所产生的声响也不会影响到室内构和装锋材料可从种植林中取得RECYCLABLE AND RENEWABLE比赛馆的内蝠,观众席和吊顶都采用吸音措施MATERIALS实现污染最小化系at 20 metres atxwe the floor绿色能源将考虑设计光电系统和地热交空调预热和内部热水供应concrete are recyclable. Concrete canACOUSTICS科技应用crushed to form base course material. Plastiche facilty is acoustically treated to reduceseats can be reused, Timber strucure and fit体育馆采用最先过的结构和工程系统,所有筑out would be sourced from planation forests. accepy都将设计为智能型,有管理和维护中心控制学纤维和红外线将被用于筑内部和与外界的MINIMIZATION OF POLLUTION讯:钢结构接满足最高质量标准corporated Noise reduction of 60-70 dBThe use of green power from photo voltaicill be achieved so that for events such生命安全保障系统的设计将保证筑内的所有人cells and hydro electric generation, Geooncerts the noise generated will be contained都能在短时间内到达安全区域,最多观众时,全thermal heatprovide pre heating for the air conditioning and This insulation will also prevent external noisedorne stic hot waterurces such as rain or aircraft from adVerselyimpacting on inernal performancesSCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGYThe surfaces of the walls, seating bowlnd ceiling of the main competition hall aresorptive to achieve a reverberation time of 2engineering systems. The facility will beto 3 secondssmart building, centrally controlled by abuikding management and maintenancesystem. Fibre optics and infra red will beIsmi communication within and beyond theperformance gades尚置最前网2.SC 结构设计服务设施TRUCTURE基础及地下结构体育馆将综合所有具备的服务设施。另外, FOUNDATIONS AND SUBSTRUCTURE估孔灌注桩或预浇打入桩及与地基钢混梁配合是室内赛事场地还应包Bored pile foundations or driven precast piles facade, Pur lirs spammy betweer, again当汽冈穿廿地下结构最可能采用的方式,确定最终方式和安25%的即时启动照明排是还应考虑基地的地面情况,因地下水位的影响,地下工程也许将采用箱型基础。地下结构烟感器和温度传感器wath the final selection and arrangementof the central spine.的挡土墙和最底层的板式模块必须具备挡水功能冰面机房同时挡土培和板式结构必须设计为最大限度减主赛厅内的排烟设备Depending on the depth of the water tabla,ateral stability of the cable net is nhebasement may require tanked reinForced一微环境空调concrete construction. The concrete ursed for be stabilized byy the superstructure and地上结构表演活动用电源为与现场施工工艺相符,地上结构应设计为使the lowest basement must be water retaining用现浇混凝土。该结构为双向韧性混凝土框一紧急警报通讯系统配合双向混凝土拱板,稳定可客:还可根据筑一紧急备用发动机walls designed to minimize cracking to preverming. The hangars from the ridowater ingresshen be erected followed by the通过混凝土剪力墙加强横向阻力。观众座席使用光学纤维电缆condary framing现浇混凝土斜梁以及现浇混凝土分层号能的动(T, SUPERSTRUCTURE种选择方式为钢斜梁与预浇混凝is a raging load capacity of 120屋顶结屋顶采用结构钢,充分利用这种材料优越的强度席上空屋顶,以满足不同活动多灯光的要求重量比,在实现既有筑进型的同时,提高抗震则所最多可满足600的使用要求fled win wo way sprn conort sites services由四个乘柱延伸出的缓索网遇过两根弧形脊索nstraints and The Gymnasium incor portes general building连接筑的各个尽端,以及,其二,从脊索向in fluence on the seismic performance of the开及实每。木向药后由有白边的structure.The seating area for the auditorium systems inclus. ally specialist indoor arenawould consist of in situ concrete raking beams作用。由这些椽木延伸形成的简单的框架将支撑Sports lighting with 25% instant re-strike屋顶隆的中央主干A system of steel raking beams and prconcrete seating plats would be considered asSmoke and thermal detectionIce Floor plant悬索结构的优点是横向稳定性强;而屋顶主体将由地上结构和实墙钢结构框架加固RODE STRUCTURE悬索结构具有自身稳固的特性,将在安装屋顶The roof framing is structuMicro- climatic Air Conditioning架前搭,之后将安装索脊上的吊筋。最后是橡ato to g of th it rent d erith to wa ifom.. Show PowerWarning Intercom SysteKture is split intolayers: 0 a cable net supported from foEmergency Back-up Generatoribre Optic Backbone CablingEvent Control Room with back up controlsbuilding, and (n) rafters spanning perpendicular in the Engineers Office 给排水设计说明五、冷却循环水Services are located in zones and risers to根据暖通工种提供的资料,设计93冷水机组 provide flexibility to upgrade at a future timeorcing to the data of HAvC, 3 sets of3800152003雷冷原是用水3,时2《筑设计防火规范》与空调机组一一对应,并联工作,冷却补给水由 servicing various eventsoT/h 3 super low noise coGB6-87(2001年版)校园内市政给水管网保证toilets are prowided to suit the maximum3《自动喷水灭火系统设计规范六、消防给水population of 6,000 spectators.oning unit one by one and operate in本工程室外消防用水量为301/s,由校园内市政4《筑灭火器配置设计规范》直供给水管网保Design Instruction for Water Supply andby municipal water supply pipeline in sc pliedGB40-90(1997年版)本工程设室内消火检给水系统和自动喷水灭火系 Drainage5设单位提供的设计要求er Supply for Fife Protec时,室内消火检用水由校园内消防环网保证1 Code for Design of Bulding Water Supply Outdoor water volume needed for fire6相关专业提供的设计资料消火栓的布置均能保证2股水柱同时到达室内任一部位。消火栓系统在室外设一只水泵接合器系线用2cp边msupply二、设计范图工程设计范围包括室内给水排水工程和消防给用水量为211/s,火灾廷时project inc ludes indoor hydrant watersupply system and automatic fre extinguishing曲三、用水量igor hydrant system is 15I's,and fre lastsusage for indoor hydrant is大时生活用水为年水并东量为本工程按规要求在室内设置手提式灭火器,用4 Code for Design of Building Extinhool. the layout of hydraGBJ140-90(Edition 1997)wo water columns reach to any point indo四、生活给水体育馆生活用水均由校园内市政给水管直供5 Design requirements provided bconstruction institutepump adapter set outdoors, Automatic firif, WaterDesign Scopesage of automatic sprinkler system is alsoasign scope of the project includes indoorwater supply for fire protection engineeringch fire prevention regThree Water Consumptionspray nozzle controlled by each set of wetm平mh2mpmsconsumption is 9, 6I/h: cooling circulatingthe project. portable extinguishers are setsupplement water is 45T/dthey are used for fighting initial fedirectly by municipal water supply pipe inschool尚置最前网2.SC 电气设计说明育馆最高日污水排放量为211/d,最大时污水nasium has maximum daily排放量为7.7T/h(以生活用水量的80设火灾自动报警系统设计规范》ter discharge with 21 Lathe水按杭州暴雨强度计算公式确定GB50116-98Automatic Alarm System GB50116当汽冈穿廿.7T/h(calculated as 80% of livin water暴强度公式为:q=30.4(140.6391gT)2《10k及以下变电所设计规范》consumption945)(升GB50053942 Code for Design of substation with室内排水雨、污、废水分流,室外排水而、污分3《筑设计防火规范》Rainwater is deter mined by HangzhousV and below GB:005394流。生活粪便污水经化粪泡处理后与生活废水合GBJ16-87(2001年rainstorm intensity calculation formula, design 3 Code for Design of Building Fire排入污水管道,而水经汇集后排入校园内水4《(筑物防雷设计规范Prevention GBJ16-87(Edition 2001)GB50057-94(2000年版)q-360.4(140.639gp(+1945s4 Code for Design of Building八、管材与设备5《民用筑电气设计规范》Rainwater, sewage and wastewater aregaining protection GB5005794型塑料给水管JGJ/T16-92[Edtion 2000)discharged separately with indoor drainage6甲方的要求system; rainwater and sewage are discharged 5 Code for Design of Civil ConstructionElectrics JG/1692卫生设洁具及配件用水7各工种提供的资料Aner treated in sewage tank, living6 Party A requirements础Design ScopeTroo aky electric transformation and2照明配电系Eight Pipe Material and Equipmedistrbution systenNew type plastic water supply pipe is used3动力配电系统as indoor Irving water supply2 Ilumination distribution system4防雷接地系统galvanized steel pipe ts used for water supply5弱电(通讯)管线数设pipe for fire protection which has its DN more 4 Lighting prevention earthing systemthan 100, when DN is equal to or less than6消防系统100, galvanized steel pipe is used.5 Light current (communication) pipelineLayout三、变配电系统nitary wares and fittings 6 Fire protection system健身、调练等为一体的综合性,多功能体 wole set product is used for fire-protection育活动中心。消防用电设备、事故硫散照明ctric Transformation and观众厅照明、贵宾室、电视转播、记分牌There are 6400 seats stemin this gymnasium控系统为一级负荷,其余一般照明、动力、空调用电为三级负荷,在体育馆内设变电所一座,应由两路独立1muti-functional gym activity centr电,10KV电源引自校高配室两段不同母线双路常供,中间不联络,两路10KV电源不ighting for acciden,采用交联聚乙烯铜芯电缆直埋数设,估算总计算负荷为1400KWs applied for other commonlighting, dynamic power and aircondtioning electricity devices. One 2.比赛场照明设计七、弱电GN FOR LIGHTING OFSEVEN LIGHT CURRENTA比赛场黑明由光控室实行集中多路控制,以扩音系统a) public address system使适应各种比赛时不同黑度要求本工程主要以保证语言清晰度为主,并适应1 This project mainly takes guarantee ofB比赛场安装100套飞利HNF-00N投光灯具根频文艺演出时音乐率满度等多功能要求I Lighting of match site is controlled with(窄配光),内装2×400N即P1-T型会属2在一层设声控室,扩声系统包括比赛厅观众way of collect and multi-ways by lightheets requirements of music chubbiness转播时不同照度要求,灯具安装在网架统、听系统,在检录厅、教练室员体息室、贵宾室、体息厅观众席、公共走nance requrement of variousmatches2 Sound control room is set at ground floor.等场所设有背景音乐系统。扬声器的布置C训练场各装16套灯具,在配电箱内可分路控制采用分散的形式2 100 sets of PHILIPS HNF-O03N projection3为满足多功能使用方便,在赛场裁判席及主light fittings (narrow distritution of light).d background muric sysD观众厅照明采用齿钨灯,在光控室统一做语席台一侧设有传声器插座there is 2x400W HPI-T type of buildin record hall. coach room athlete rest光控2)电话系统E一、二层办公,门厅等照度采用节能光源ches lke handball, basketball, volleyballrest hall, public corridor and etc, layout of估计装电话50门1,电话线引自校总机房etc, Ligh fittings are installed on netloudspeaker is n form of dispersion.六、防雷接地If at driftway sides.microphone socket isside of referee本工程低压配电系统接地形式采seat and chairman desk in match site在变配电室等电位端子箱5Tphche system2本工程为二类雷筑,屋面装设避雷装置It s estimated 50 sets of phone will be紧用柱子主筋作引下线。能显示篮、排、羽毛球等各项比赛的比分计时及一些现场显示out in io ht co adl rting or light s carinstalled, phone line comes from telephone接地装置利用基础桩基,地梁的主钢筋作为自然接地体,要求接地电阻不大于1欧姆,若2能用于汉字及英文广告显示,显示方式可静5 Energy saving lamps are used in offices达不到要求,则补打人工接地极可以打印输出各场比赛结果及各种比赛信息and halls at ground and secondary floors. EIGHT TIMING AND SCORING4有一套自检程序便于维修LIGHTING PREVENTION1 TN-S system is used for earthing of lowe determined by Party A, it shall meetrequirements as following:Display all matches score, timing andtransformation switching room.2 This project is Class Two lightningbasketball, volleyball, badminton and ettection building, lightning proof device 2. Display both in Chinese and in Engldisplay mode is in static or in dynamic.column functions as down-lead3. Print out and output all matches results3 Earthing devices utilizes base pile, mainand various information related to thebar of earthmatchesHas a self-check program which is helpfulmore than 1 Ohm, other wise, man madeor maintenance尚置最前网2.SC 九、电气消防设计说明8楼梯间,走道,出入,门厅,变电所,地N1NEELECTRIC FIRE-PROTECTION 8 Fire emergency illumination and evacuating按规范本工程应按一级保护对象进行消防设下室,比赛场,观众厅,光音控室等处设有one is set at stairs. walkway, exit火灾应急照明和疏散照DESIGN INTRODUCTION器电池灯具,比赛场、观众厅在光控室集中2在一层的消防控制室装设一整套火灾自设不间断电源供电this project being as Class One protectionbasement, match site, audience hall, light警系统,消防设备联动控制系统,消防电话9所有消防设备用电负荷均采用双回路供电object as per regulatonhaving accumulator battery with itself are系统及火灾警广播系统端自动切换used in first floor and the second floor3楼内办公室、会议、比赛场所,观众厅foor is equipped with a whole set of firematch sites andsupplied共走密,门厅,设备用房等场所设火灾报0在火灾报警总控台收到报警信号后,总控台消with UPS which are all set in lighting探测器,比赛场所、观众厅采用红外光束探防联动系统自动或手动启动水泵房的酒火栓测器及双波段火灾探测器1本馆消控台与校控制中心以通讯决线方式 ng phone system and fire warning9 All fir-fighting devices are supplied with4公共走道,门打,观众厅等处按规定装手动控中心同时收到报警信号double loop, with its end switching报警按钮5公其场所,门厅,走道,观众厅、比赛场等eeting and match sites, audience hal处装火灾事故广播,比赛扩音系统在火灾时Anter fire alarming general control deskband fire detector is used at match sitesup hydrant pump and spray pam2吧C.下m走道、们厅和电梯厅等公其场所设有电话5 Fure accident broadcasting is installed atFire-fighting control desk in thisand match site. match publoc-addresof school by waydetermining-line mode, when theretroadcasting and audio light alarmingAll fir-fighting devices are controled bygeneral control desk interlock systemutomatocally and by hand directly7 Host rat general controt desk, and fire-tightinnone sockets at walkway. hall, elevator 空调系统的划分与负荷估算水系统形式系统为二管机械循环系统,冷冻水系统夏NDITIONING SYSTEM AND operates in transition seasons.空调系统总冷负荷为2450k。冷源选用季供水温度为7℃,回水温度12℃LOAD ESTIMATIONWater system mode:240KT水冷螺杆式冷水机组3台提供712℃热冷冻机房冷冻水泵采用定流量泵,供回水总Cold and heat sources setting水作为空调冷媒管设恒压差旁通阀,系绕灾现变流量运行culation system, cooled water system空调热负荷估算为1620k.热源由区域管网空调机组端设置电动二通润。根据回风温度2450kw.mree24 ORI water cooled screw提供蒸汽,经汽一水热交换器制取5060℃热进行冷冻水流量调节chillers are selected as cold source to暖热還风及消防系统py 7-12 water as cold medium of aironstant flow pump b used for cooled空调方式本工程按照以下原则设置机械通风系统为:Thermal load of air conditioning比赛场及观众腐:观众落共6413座比赛场及观众席按每人18m3/h计算新风量apply water and return water main pp采用可词型旋流风及喷上送风练用房local pipe net passes through通过观众席台阶侧壁设置的回风经土回风道回至空调机房。60 being as heat medium s made.otorized 2-way valve is set at terminal门厅、走道、训练用房采用全空气系统,送Air conditioning modeof air conditioning unit cooled waterflow is controlled according to retun ar顶高度送风送风采用散流器送风鳞一之5NVentilation and fire protection system办公、会议用房、管理用房采用风机盘管加Mechanical ventilating system in the新风方式,送风方式未顶送顶回project is set according to the followingde is used. Returning air runs through运动员更衣室等设风机盘管系统,接风由它区域渗透补充litoria and through cii constructing airway into air conditioning madhifresh air requrement calculated according全空气系统均采用中央控制或就地控制方式to 18 m3h per person节及过渡季节全新风运行ooms for trainingesh air requrement calculated accordingo 20 m3h per personOffices, meeting rooms and rooms forwn leading revolving one or diffuser.Air fan coil pipe with additional fresh air620urement calculatedDpm3/h per personMan and101Air fan coil pipe system is set incharge quantitybot and shower roomokernented from other areaventilation calculated according to 12- Th airIn all-air system, central control or in placedone according to indoor and outdoor-air尚置最前网2.SC 按每人203/h计算新风量结论Fire protection ventilationCONCLUSION办公,会议及管理用房等成后的体育馆将成为新江大学校园中一个亮丽he Gymnasium will provde a按每人20m3/计算新风量形象,不仅可用来举行重大赛事,可还为大dynama image for the university. It will当汽冈穿廿员工和社区提供活动的场所。这一座落在体男女更衣室按按10-1h换气量核算通风量心内精心规划的场馆将极大地提升大学的魅力和of significance and at the same tim则所及淋溶间按12-1h换气量核算通风量地位消防通风我们的设计方案采用了最先进的工程手段,将与ithn a well planned sports precinct本工程比赛场区设置机械防排烟系统,排烟环境相处和谐,为整个校区带来活力,弘扬大学For the following positions of air supplyand return ducts in vertilation and量按照4次/小时换气计算。排烟风机设置于悠久的文化,承接未来sporting status比赛场顶temperature is set to 70 fire damper通风和空调系统送、回风管道的下列部位location that duets come across fire均设置动作温度为70防火阀n on zorN穿越防火分区处Both sides of ducts through settlementjoint or deformation crack;chitecture, while embracing the historyculture of the Hangzhou districtJoints of vertical duct and hor izontal branchduct ofeThe locatieui 排烟系统风机进风部均设置动作温度为of air conditioners ond fan stationsSmoke extraction fire dampers whose风机由火灾信号启动排烟。烟气器度达到operating temperature s 280 are set at ar280℃时防火关闭并输出电信号,消控中心关闭排Fans is started to extract smoke by fireoutput electric signal. fire protection centre