Itainteingjouy tocomyf by revtingall thewhave been done thsyea.The improvementof designingil not that eing comped with the achieving of the great gain of all:way of thinking.The conscioumneas of that the inner relationship of people affects the achitectural designing process has beengradually ed and incepted into my mind fiom these project foring myelf to re-valute the value ofpeople and the prce of vue on duing the denign.People's relationship has never been apart fiom the eaences of architecture for me.it has been evolving and neverpaused since the notion of human beings started.Accordingly,the forms for inhabitation are also constantlydeveloped,fiom cave and neat toaviou of moden achitecue,by connecing dividing,bluning andsheltering to sustain the society which i full of the complex of relationship.Similar like the repone to the contet,the tigger of my ideas isa reponse to the soc connection ofpeople,by oberving,ching.analying,and then mying to providea of olution tofit the paticulaintecon between people's acties and the conte which is formed of achitectural pace and evonmentSimultaneouy,the deaign wa lead and embodied by thee coin particuchite languageI am not only tying to follow the conventional approaches which is focus on the relationhup betweeneonme and aceue butalo building up mywn wene of edwith peoplewho is always be downplayed during the denign.All the projects I have done in this year can be recognined againin this viewpoint.J.NEIntimate and trust-Placed,displaced.Domestic scope)Sharing,cooperation and gap-Simplicity Economy Home.(Institutional scope)Living in a world of strangers-Civic Centred.(Public Institutional scope)Nice to meet you-Section Alley.(public scope)From the deaptions above,each projeet has been given a new of defintion which is going to be explained inthe reat of my portfolio.理甄Z.ZC.ET Placed,DisplacedHuman Scale,Ergonomics,Intimate and trustNatural Daylight,Threshold ofprivacy and community.Thia dometicprojeno that difficult and outtanding compared with other projeetbut the tight coof the brief made me deign eveything preciely and carefullyI read and underrtood the Building Regulation of UK,Hounng Design Handbook and otheruseful articles related to the terrace house in the first week,that gave me a solid backgroundand principles of domeatic houring design in practice.According to the feedback of the finaleewmyoh has been appraied a "Vey belevable naraivefor pacesrooftea andunderstanding of movement"I think these resticts helpe me understanding how to designarchitecture of fixed form in practical way but still keep creativity.Another succesaful area isthe apphcation of BIM sofwae(Ret),itwasa fiegh start point of my deaign flow.For thiseaon,the projeet wa managed effectivey and all the re projeets i thison have beenproved under an excellent management.Simplicity Economy HomeBoundary between context andSharing.cooperation and communicationintemal environment.Program-matic design.Duing Foyer project,vra noo had been futhered and developed dramatically,eeclyin how to maintain,foter and embody a concept,and alo the inght of people's soca interaction particularly focusing on participation and sharing.It was also an expeiment of the'dapproachto acheveamore appropiate and acceptable e n a complexrounding.From my final products,it has been proved a successful ty to design with a conceptof people's relationship and activities,so all the space integrated together and connected firmlybased on the relation of the user themselves.It becomes one of the samples for the later co-de-aign theoretical study.On the other hand,my final presentations was a detailed and logicaldelineation of my concept,but the tutor still encouraged me to ure more lange scale sketchesto give a good inight into the ideas of habitaion.Even though the demgn reponded to theCivic Centred:Living in a world of strangersNew hierarchy,Social context,Urban public space,Integrate.This project is another ufpement of socal relationhup and u ced deaign.Imade several people/uaer scenatioe to simulate the social environment in Tynemouth,teatingpeople's movement and the hierachy.I had learnt and practiced the BIM working flow fiomprevious projects that means I have more energy at the beginning to further my concept andeseach of the social context.I have made tons of concept sketch models to test the apaniallogical based on my con tudy.These coherent xploion gavea sold foundationof followupdeaign poce Unfortunately,I devoted to the c conet and theteconiestudy on my presentation is not that convincing,it needa more consideration in next year.According to the feedback fiom Simon,there is too much information without a thoughttulselection with my final review,and I atill need to lean how to refine and simphfy a complexdenign before I emich it.Section Alley:Nice to meet youHistory context,Sustainability.New mediaGroup pecty the mo challengingo to eveyone,s iteqre emanagement and highly cooperation all the ideas and effortswe made ae apprecated equally,itialao a valuable experiences full of creativity and teamwork after compromise and negotiation.We got mak 19 out 20 at the phase 1,I am glad to be helpful of techmcal support of filmmaking and the other computer programs.Apart fiom that,my social context study providedanew approach to deign combined with the uique history conte of the site the whole deign fit into the surounding perfectly with an reasonable logic.We also mied various means topublicine before the exhibition which shows great auccess in the end.理甄Z.ZC.ET